Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Starting with Robotics


I'd like to start with robotics, is there anyone who can give me some startup info? Because I want to start making easy robots,but I don't want to spend a lot of money, and then I can't use it maybe..

Thanks in advance! :)
What kind of robotics, there's the type that you would control with a radio control, which would just drive servos and things with pre-built boards and circuitry. (Much like radio control mini airplanes)
Or there is the type that you would build from scratch and program from scratch, which would be able to perform certain tasks after being given commands.

Being that you are on an electronics forum I would assume the latter, but this is of course the much more difficult of the two.

Also what background are you coming from in the way of programming and electronics?
You would be better off asking this on a robotics forum

Starting up:
1. Decide what platform you would like to use; Arduino seems very popular. If you know how to program the platform, go to step 2, otherwise learn to program your platform, upload the firmware and run/debug your program.
2. Decide on a simple thing to make like controlling the running of motor, speed and direction.
3. Decide what you want your robot to do and then design the different elements.


Buy a simple kit to build and program for starters.
Thanks! Yes, I know some things about how to program on computers etc, but nothing about electronics, I think I'll search for some more information, and just start with it. :)