Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Source for type TM RF coaxial connectors and adapters?

I am looking for a source of type TM coax connectors and adapters.

Type TM is a miniature RF coax connector used way back in the sixties
on space programs. The connectors were originally manufactured by
General RF Fittings Division of Solitron Devices in Florida.
Eventually this company became today's SV Microwave. SV Microwave
still lists some of the original connectors on their website, but does
not list any between series adapters converting TM to something useful
like SMA, TNC, or N. I am contacting them to see if they have any
stock but obviously will have to wait until Monday to hear back.

In the interim, if anyone knows of a local electronics surplus house
that has TM female to SMA/TNC/N adapters, please let me know.

Finders fee is a free t-shirt from my employer - a very cool aerospace
company who shall remain nameless.