Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony SL-2700 Betamax


William Sommerwerck

You don't have to be a graduate EE to join. I entered as an undergraduate,
Absolutely true, and as I mentioned in my prior reply, I too
joined as a student, quite a few years before you, and actually
do remember the 'discovery' of the FFT in that same time period.

I learned later that the FFT had been known for quite some time earlier
(well-before 1967). It was the development of relatively cheap digital
computers that made its use practical.

With respect to telling students to "read" the textbook, it would probably be
more correct to tell them "work the problems". I found I often did not truly
comprehend the material until I'd worked through the problems.

William Sommerwerck

"Smarty" wrote in message
Why did you make the statement that a 90 degree phase shift
added to the rear discrete audio channels in any encoder which
mixes down to 2 channels, to use your exact words, "removes
ambiguity between front and back signals" ?

In the early days of matrixed surround, Michael Gerzon wrote an article for a
British hi-fi magazine explaining what happened as sources were panned from
front to rear, and a resulting directional ambiguity (with respect to the
encoding). I cannot find the article.

However, a brief search turned up the following. Note Section 8, in
particular. COMPLETE.pdf

By the way, Scheiber mentions the need for phase shift in the patent I
referred to, though I don't believe he goes into any detail.


Precisely! This was the reason I asked you to explain why / how you
could make the statement that a 90 degree phase shift added to the
rear discrete audio channels in any encoder which mixes down to 2
channels, to use your exact words, "removes ambiguity between front
and back signals". Again, to borrow your exact words, "If you can't
explain something (in relatively simple terms), you don't really
understand it yourself".

I am extremely familiar with Scheiber's work and resulting patent,
which I read in various stages of its submission, and have certainly
more than 'browsed' Bauer's patent and several others when they were
issued. I thank you for the opportunity to ask you any questions, and
will, once again ask you the simple question:

Why did you make the statement that a 90 degree phase shift added to
the rear discrete audio channels in any encoder which mixes down to 2
channels, to use your exact words, "removes ambiguity between front
and back signals" ?

Forgive my skepticism and my continuing disrespectful tone. If we were
both automotive engineers, and you made a statement that the anti
gravity feature of your engine provided enhanced gas mileage, I would
initiate the same type of request for clarification. Those who
understand modulation theory and these specific types of surround
sound devices would never make such a statement, and I am merely
asking you to explain how such an outcome could occur.

Once again, you dodge the question, and given that this is now the 4th
attempt I have made to get an answer, I will save you the embarrassment
of now saying that there is no technically correct answer, if, in fact,
you even realize this is true.

Since you are "the wrong person to mess with when it comes to surround
sound", I am utterly astonished.

I thought that this was an area in which you enjoyed particular expertise.

Or, to use your words:

"I like to say that if you can't explain something (in relatively simple
terms), you don't really understand it yourself."

Looks like Phil has you pegged......................

William Sommerwerck

"Smarty" wrote in message
Once again, you dodge the question, and given that this is now
the 4th attempt I have made to get an answer, I will save you
the embarrassment of now saying that there is no technically
correct answer, if, in fact, you even realize this is true.

I have given a reference. Please get back to us once you've read it.