I have a 1978 Gottlieb Charlie's Angels pinball machine. It originally came with an electronic sound card which produced quite horrible-sounding bleeps and bloops. I bought an old chime unit and retrofitted Solid-State-capable chime solenoids (with blocking diodes) so that it will work in a computer-controlled game. Basically it is working fine. After a couple attempts I have finally found the right coils to use so that the chimes ring loud and clear. However, when rung in rapid succession, the sound volume (strike of the solenoid?) gets weaker as this originally had that electronic sound card being driven with the driver board transistors and now they are driving chime solenoids (which have to physically move). I think that if I somehow add a capacitor (size unknown) to the circuit it might help the chimes ring more evenly by keeping more voltage available. Attached is a simplified schematic I have created. Would this work and would I need a blocking diode anywhere also to prevent damage to the bridge rectifier and/or transformer?