Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Solenoid Driver Circuit Without Using Arduino

What are the prospects of wind/solar recharging of a solenoid driver circuit?
You would have to do the energy budget sums. You're looking at, say, 6V x 1/4A = 1.5W per solenoid when energised. Multiply that by the average duty cycle of each solenoid and the average number energised simultaneously. Now compare with the energy output of your proposed wind/solar power source.
Calculations of the duty cycle, then, could be used to find the "cost" in electrons of each musical piece relating to recharging the batteries. Would this not be possible as long as the time of the musical piece is known, and while using the (standard) operating temperature of calculations @ 35 degrees C? A preliminary audition of these amino acid sequences would not only be a preview of the music, it could budget the composition of this music. To efficiently audition the sequence, the wiring harness must be able to re-arrange the switches according to the amino acid sequence in question. Then it can be quickly 'played' by running a finger or even a wheel across the contacts that have been placed linearly between the solenoid part and the instrument part of the harness.
While not having had the time yet to shop for parts for the basic solenoid test, we urge electronics buffs and experimenters to consider the didgeridoo trajectory for a switching harness. Whereas Roland and EWI MIDI controllers use logic gates to decode sax switching logic, a mechanical approach to switching logic for the didj harness is possible. Besides low-note priority, there are two places on the horn where this logic becomes mandatory, because one key can "stand for" another key, its neighboring key also becomes involved. We think that any of the two mechanisms on the harness that accomplish this more complex decoding than simply the low-note priority decoding would be interesting to the viewer if it were encased in clear plastic, the mechanism being reminiscent of watchworks.