Thanks for the reply. There are reasons, then, for bringing an actual electronics engineering student (or more students) into this project, not only for my learning curve.
Having picked up an electronics book found on a free bench in the U.S., Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, the front cover states, 'This International Student Edition is for use outside the U.S.' The back cover states, 'This book cannot be re-exported from the country to which it is sold by McGraw-Hill. The International Edition is not available in North America.' Yet, here it is in all its smuggled glory. The book introduces one to the second most important person for circuit analysis besides Ohm: Kirchoff. Ironically, one of the editors attended Cleveland State University. So, to hunt down an inexpensive assortment of resistors that can handle the amperage and try the bypass approach.
What are the prospects of wind/solar recharging of a solenoid driver circuit? The idea of not only changing the way music is played but also read, should appeal to the younger student that may also be interested in wind/solar recharging and its electronics. I cannot say that it was my idea, I did not learn that experiments in amino acid music were already underway in 2007 until late last year. The difference is that my approach uses the isoelectric points of amino acids with which to assign to the keys of a saxophone (there are basically twenty keys just as there are twenty aminos.) About nine attributes of amino acids had to be eliminated before choosing isoelectric, because only the latter provides a different pH number for each amino, making it unique, reminiscent of the Coulomb (hydrogen atoms vs electrons). Then it was noticed that one could eliminate four lines of the traditional musical staff and only use one line. The octave key of the horn dictates whether the note to be played is below or above the line, timing values being arranged using other symbols. The idea is to try to eliminate music-reading eye strain and we are definitely keeping dyslexics and others with reading problems in mind with this approach. The notes played, like some synthesizers, can show up on a home-made screen, rendering a transcription of the amino acid sequence. This may help when studying a certain sequence, for example, a cancer gene. In fact, the first sequence we tried to learn was one from around position 1047 of the PI3K gene in ovarian cancer. This position has a mutation from histidine (H) to arginine (R), moving the pH to the highest of all amino acids on the pH scale. We think that this pH direction for mutations can be further explored. When we attempted to apply an ominous-sounding chord where the mutation occurs, it was found that the sequence itself has an ominous sound. Stranger than fiction. As far as is known, no amino acid music example yet gives the listener the original sequence as Nature wrote it without adding other music into it. There is also the prospect of wave energy conversion, to recharge, though an electric didgeridoo without solar recharge seems like a regression. Some of today's synths only use six AAs.