Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Small home made generator need help



Ok it's not a big generator just enough to power a small bulb. I need to
explain this to a class of 6 year old children and keep them form getting
lost with other thoughts. ANY GOOD IDEAS or very short descriptions would be
a great help.

Take a look

This is made from 4 rare earth magnets and some shop time. It runs very
smooth and lights the LED up nice with a good spin

Gymy Bob

Two colour LEDs or two different colour LEDs back to back to demonstrate
reversing polarities with approaching and falling away poles?

Centre positioned meter to show the same as above?

Speaker to hear the thumps at different frequencies and stimulate another
sense in the kids? Demonstrate turning the electricity into audio sounds.

Gymy Bob

One more...

A small solenoid with a bell and clapper on the end of the solenoid for
dynamic attention getting?
Show the induction in reverse and how it works both ways?

Gymy Bob

If enough sound doesn't come out you could face a larger one up and put
small beads into it.