Here is my First RedCode Warrior: The Jumping Imp !
Version 0.03 !
The program simply copies itself to another location in memory and then
executes itself from there and repeats itself.
I was just curious if it could be done and as a practice.
And it does work and it's nice... but it's not much of a warrior.
It gets bombed... or it gets eating by the simple imp
Cool stuff though !
Wow almost forgot the code here it is
;name JumpingImp
;author Skybuck Flying
;strategy paper (replicator)
;history Skybuck's First Warrior
version 0.03 created on 31 october 2007
works/tested in WinCore 2.3
jmp Initialization
Source dat #0
Dest dat #0
Counter dat #0
Target dat #18 ; must equal dest initialization -2
Initialization mov #-1, Source
mov #20, Dest
mov #15, Counter
CopyRoutine mov @Source, @Dest
add #1, Source
add #1, Dest
sub #1, Counter
jmz @Target, Counter
jmp CopyRoutine
dat #0
Any improvements to the code to make it shorter/execute faster are welcome !
send comments to skybuck 2000 at hotmail dot com