Maker Pro
Maker Pro

simple stirling hot air engine made at home with simple tools ,2 cans a baloon

  • Thread starter Malcom \Mal\ Reynolds
  • Start date


More delusional redirection justifying your laziness

What the hell are you babbling on about!!!
so YOU don't have
to take any responsibility to help with your share of the energy
problems. You should be done building with your previous delusion,
remember your 84% efficient "GEET" ICE attachment scam you were
advocating? Grow up, take responsibility, and help with the problem.

GEET works. There is too much evidence to prove otherwise. But GM said it
doesn't so you believe them. Duh!

A part of working at the problem is dissipating ignorance and making people
aware of vested interests holding matters back.


If GEET works, (which of course it doesn't) why aren't you doing it,
or why haven't got off your lazy selfish ass and saved the world? I'm
sure Tinkerbell, Bigfoot, and the Toothfairy would like a ride.

The problem is the delusional making excuses for their laziness by
blaming others. Grow up and visit reality once in a while.



Curbie said:
If GEET works, (which of course it doesn't) why aren't you doing it,
or why haven't got off your lazy selfish ass and saved the world? I'm
sure Tinkerbell, Bigfoot, and the Toothfairy would like a ride.

Who pays your wages? A corporation? mmmmmmm


Jim said:
I picked a thorough technical description to see if you could
understand one, and you didn't.

Arsehole I fully understood it. I told you of it, who Googled. The low
pressure Parsons turbine turned the centre prop of the three props. This
prop could not go into reverse.

I know how steam engines work. Once again, it was highly efficient for its
day reclaiming energy that would normally be wasted.

Many have said a Stirling could use waste heat on 4-stroke EC engines, but
the space and weight lost is unacceptable, better to use only a Stirling and
get rid of the 4-stroke crock. Many have said that the one piston free
wheeling piston used on domestic CHP boilers is suitable, which generates
1.1kW, or more if designed to.


More delusional redirection, for the second time...if GEET works why
aren't you using it? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Who pays your allowance, mommy? Grow up.



Curbie said:
More delusional redirection, for the second time...if GEET works why
aren't you using it? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

You are clearly barking mad. Along with a few others on this forum.


More delusional redirection, for the third time...if GEET works why
aren't you using, it and why are you babbling about Air Cars or
turbines when you already claimed to find the holy grail of GEET?

The GEET plans are on the internet for free, so the big evil car maker
couldn't have hidden GEET next to the 100mpg carburetor or 300mpg
pixie dust. A genius like you should be able to put GEET on a turbine
to drive a compressor for an Air Car and fuel it with pixie dust to at
least 1000mpg to travel every inch of La-La-Land.

Seek psychiatric help you're Non compos mentis.



More delusional redirection, for the forth time (that's 1,2,3,4 for
the delusional)... The question you desperately trying to avoid
answering is: if GEET works why aren't you using it, and why are you
babbling about Air Cars or turbines when you already claimed to have
found the holy grail of GEET? Facts are a buzzkill, aren't they?

Are you lazy, a liar, a blowhard, a moron, an addition to being
delusional? Who pays your allowance, mommy?

Despite the superior evidence that no one including you, can get the
GEET scam to work, you continue to babble your delusional gibberish,
about GEET, Air Cars, turbines, and any other fairy-tale you find.

A delusion is a belief held with absolute conviction despite superior



Curbie said:
More delusional redirection, for the forth time (that's 1,2,3,4 for
the delusional)... The question you desperately trying to avoid
answering is: if GEET works why aren't you using it, and why are you
babbling about Air Cars or turbines when you already claimed to have
found the holy grail of GEET? Facts are a buzzkill, aren't they?
Are you lazy, a liar, a blowhard, a moron, an addition to being
delusional? Who pays your allowance, mommy?

You are a brainless idiot!

There are too many independent verifications, in different parts of the
world, that GEET works, to deny something is there.

Who pays your wages?


Whaaaaaa, mommeeeeee, he's ruining my fun... Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

More delusional redirection, for the fifth time (that's 1,2,3,4,5 for
the delusional)... You are desperately trying to avoid be caught
posting more obvious delusional nonsense. You say there are too many
independent verifications, but you won't or can't do it, which is
first hand verification GEET is a scam and doesn't work.

You blame your energy problems on "big business", but are too lazy to
get off your ass and do something, anything, to try to help the energy
problem, but you prefer sitting in your ass trolling and posting

Here's a thought for the delusional, a genius like you should be able
to take some of mommy's allowance, and put GEET on a turbine to drive
a compressor for an Air Car and fuel it with pixie dust to get at
least 1000mpg to travel every inch of La-La-Land. You'd really impress
Tinkerbell and Bigfoot!




harry said:
When you wake up tomorrow you are still going to be one of themost
gullible people on earth.

Better than being pure stupid....and senile.


harry said:
But if the compressor is on the car, the heat lost during compression
used to run a stirling, and the stirling to drive the compressor...

Eureka - a way to make "New's" wet dreams a reality


Mr K, I have already covered such an unworkable notion.