Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Silicon Chip Digital Slave Flash Trigger - sound modification


Desmond Wong


Has anyone modified this unit for sound triggering?

There are many photos on Flickr using a sound triggered module that is US$99
and I am wondering if the circuit in Silicon Chip or more recently
republished in a UK electronics magazine would be able to be modified simply
to be triggered on sound.

This would result in being able to capture bulbs smashing, baloons popping,

Bob Parker


Has anyone modified this unit for sound triggering?

There are many photos on Flickr using a sound triggered module that is US$99
and I am wondering if the circuit in Silicon Chip or more recently
republished in a UK electronics magazine would be able to be modified simply
to be triggered on sound.

This would result in being able to capture bulbs smashing, baloons popping,

It wouldn't be very hard to design something. Someone should do a
sound-triggered flash as a magazine project.... ;)



Electronics Australia designed a sound operated flash trigger around 1980 or so
- I built one and it worked well. Certainly didn't cost anything like $99
though to build.

Might be worthwhile seeing if anyone has a copy of the Mag or try SC to see if
they can provide a reprint.


Desmond Wong

I have looked around at the state library and can't find it.

I have sent a request to Silicon Chip to see if they would consider making a
kit or re-printing the article and spark enthusiasm again in the field of
high-speed flash photography and I guess I will wait for a reply.



Have you had a look at this site Desmond? Describes a cheap and simple sound
triggerered flash unit

I found it just by entering 'sound operated flash' into google, but there may
be lots more circuits out there

BTW where do you live? I might still have the one I made - if so you are
welcome to it for the price of postage.
