Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Should resistors be outlawed?



to "All" (15 Jul 03 12:07:02)
--- on the topic of "Re: Should resistors be outlawed?"

You should all burn your resistor colour code cards and run to Canada!

It's in the nature of the resistor to resist but for the Borg resistance
is futile.

ja> From: "jakdedert" <[email protected]>

ja> If resistors are outlawed, only outlaws will have resistors.

ja> jak

.... Letterman of Borg - "Ok, Top 10 reasons why resistance is futile:"

Wade Hassler

feklar said:
OK, OK, I made an ass of myself. I did say, right out front remember,

You are right. I apologize for my previous, snarky, reply.
The conversion of useful energy into not-as-useful waste heat is the
price we pay for interaction with the physical universe. Looking for
ways to minimize the loss is a noble and interesting task. But to
propose that laws be passed to remedy this depressing fact just makes
my teeth ache
Wade hassler


Guess: The OP would support a law mandating the ratio of a circle's diameter to
its radius to be exactly 3.00000? And the value of Avagadro's number at
6.0000000^23? And...

uh, transformers also produce heat ;)
