Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sharp LCD TV model LC-26SH10U with Black Screen




I have a Sharp LCD TV model LC-26SH10U in my shop with
a black display. Audio is present and you can change channels.

I do not have a SM, but I suspect the problem is in the power
source for the back light.

Has anyone repaired this Sharp model or similar with the same

Thanks in advance, Brad

Before you type your password, credit card number, etc.,
be sure there is no active keystroke logger (spyware) in your PC.

Jerry G.

A common fault are the backplane lights and the backplane power

In some models of monitors and TV's the backplane lights are not
changeable, but usualy the power supply is.

You would be best off to get in touch with the Sharp service rep, and
bring your set in for an estimate.

Jerry G.