Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sharp GF-320

Hi all,

I got this thing for $65 on ebay, described as fully functional. Despite the fact that it's incredibly clean and the sound quality is quite decent when it actually works, things went south quickly. When in tape mode, nothing but noise/crackling in the right channel. The issue is somewhat intermittent, in that I can move the unit around or spray contact cleaner inside the balance dial and the issue will temporarily go away. Radio mode is perfectly fine. Swapping of the speaker wires brings the issue to the left channel, so I'm pretty sure the issue is on the tape side not with the amp.
Service manual here:

Does this sound easily fixable? Is it even worth it? Recap? Full disclosure: you are talking to a near-moron who has never done any hands-on electronics repair. There is a PhD in EE in here somewhere, so I have an idea about the basics, but my job is entirely unrelated. All suggestions are welcome! Thanks.
Hi @swarmofbaboons, welcome to EP.
I think before overthinking this, it could have been a fully working unit before being thrown around in the post.
Intermittent faults are by nature the trickiest to diagnose.
Personally, I would open the unit and check all connections, connectors, ribbon cables, wires on potentiometers etc etc. Also for loose hardware like tape heads and motor screws.
And while in there, check solder joints for cracked/dry joints. Many problems via post, thrown around, vibration etc can cause all sorts. Especially if item is not in original packaging.

Thanks for responding!
The issue isn't truly intermittent, it just goes away sometimes. What you said makes sense, of course. Hopefully, I'll open it up soon and maybe fill this thread with photos. ;)