Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sensory Chess Board

I have two different size electronic chess boards that I would like to swop around. Both are press sensory and have two very thin plastic connecting ribbons coming from the boards to the main electronic components. Although the connecting ribbons are different in size they both have eight connection strips per ribbon visable (Both ribbons are approx 1/2 mm thick). Does anyone know if there is a step down connector that would allow the two different size to be joined together and what is the proper name for the ribbon cables?
Many thanks
Just because they each have 8 pins does not mean they are compatible. What makes you think that they will work if you overcome to connector size problem?



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You will need to investigate whether they have a similar interface.

Some indications that they do would be the same interface circuitry. Alternately you could try to determine how one of the panels is connected up and try to determine if the other is connected the same way.