Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Seeking Front Panel Silkscreen Alternatives

There was an application over at modezero forum where the bloke there restored an old reed radio and used some form of laser printed film for the new front panel.

I print panels on a sheet of paper then laminate them, cut them out and fix to the panel with double sided tape. It works really well and panels up to A3 (or even larger) can be created. They are hard wearing and can be replaced if needs be.
I have always used a local engraver that uses reverse engraved Lamacoid, pick out a main front colour, then colour for all the reversed engraved images.
Smooth front and can be wiped clean anytime.
I was going to wait for the completed restore but here it is. I'm adding this to my bag of tricks. I got some laser decal paper, printed in reverse, applied and after 24 hours clear coat. It was relatively inexpensive, I had complete control and I would say 90% perfectbag o' tricks.jpg