Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Security camera DVR info. wanted.



I was wondering if someone in the group has used a RPDVR4K 250GB HDD
DVR FOR SECURITY CAMERA RECORDING. Radio Parts Group is selling this.

I would like to know if it records audio.

And if the unit can be set up to sequentially show a full screen view
from each camera or a fixed screen showing all 4 cameras.

If sequential view is possible. how long is each camera view shown
before showing the next?


Phil Allison

I was wondering if someone in the group has used a RPDVR4K 250GB HDD
DVR FOR SECURITY CAMERA RECORDING. Radio Parts Group is selling this.

I would like to know if it records audio.

** The data sheet says it has one audio channel.

But be aware that monitoring or recording other people's conversations is
highly illegal.

You cannot just add a hidden mic to each security camera.

...... Phil


Thanks for the reply Phil.
The last time I looked on the RPG web site, there was only a very
brief description of the DVR.
I have just had another look and they have since added a great deal


Phil Allison

Thanks for the reply Phil.

** Kindly adjust your settings on Google Groups.

I understand you click on Reply, then Options and pick the one that quotes
previous text.

Right now, you are " posting in mid air " with no quoted text or even the
name of the poster you are replying to.

Better still, drop GG and get yourself a real newsreader.

...... Phil

Phil Allison

Phil Allison wrote:

Tell that to many of the servos I've been too that explicitly state (at
the bowser) that they're monitoring/recording both video and audio.

** While you are speaking with their staff.

So not snooping on a private conversation.


....... Phil

Phil Allison

Really? Speaking to staff at a self-serve bowser?

** That is simply where the sign is - fuckwit.
You're the only one who said that.

** I am very often the only one saying the correct thing.

It is not illegal to record a conversation that YOU are a party to - cos
that is not " someone eles's conversation".

You are also entitled to record a conversation if the parties agree to be

....... Phil