Maker Pro
Maker Pro

A Security Camera & DVR web site with some incredible prices.



Need lots of cops in your area????
Since the place next to mine was bought by 2.4 million embezzled from
NSW my street has gone from Mausoleum to comings and goings night snd
day. Police are often attending. Then recently a shooting murder of a
Police Protection witeness about 500 metres away (Glen Alpine)?,150.778862&z=20&t=k&nmd=20110211
Making it known that I record 24hour 7 days seems to of stopped the
comings and goings a fair bit? Hope it lasts


No there arent when that isnt deliberate.

Thats not necessarily desirable when they have been burgled etc.

Perfectly legal.

Maybe however my neibors made complaints about me claiming my
intentions are that of a sexual nature, Thhe police arriving 10 pm
sunday night! I told them I have no intention of stopping and will
make any pictures DVD's I take avaiable to the NSW police (in fact I
hand them out to anyone who wants them, so far mainly those living in
my street)

Rod Speed

Pretzl wrote
Maybe however my neibors made complaints about
me claiming my intentions are that of a sexual nature,

What the neighbours dont like is an entirely separate matter to what is legal.