Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Schematic that doesn't specify components ?

I want to wire up a simple foot switch for a guitar ampliifer. I have found
the schematic for the amp and switch, but the schematic for the foot switch
is not labeled with any values for resistors, diodes etc.

I have a detail of the switch and also the full schematic, if someone could point me
in the right direction of finding component values. I simply don't have the education,
or insight of where to look for the answers on this.

attached are a close up of the swtich and some specs I can't decipher
and here is a link to the full schematic..

thanks for helpful input..


  • deville reissue.jpg
    deville reissue.jpg
    54 KB · Views: 29
  • fender schematic.jpg
    fender schematic.jpg
    51.4 KB · Views: 21
C57 = 220 picofarad.
R99 = 47Ω.

ohh never knew about this code for the components.. 1st time to see and know
is there a key that translates all of these?

why is it C "57" meaning the 57th capacitor referenced ?

D31 D32 are these different values? for diodes I suppose ..

I wouldn't know what "key" words to use for search ...either

maybe I need a complete book suggestion to read up on this

merci, @Martaine2005
A key that translates?
Into French?

Yes there is. Called reference designators or refdes for short.
R is resistor
C is capacitor
D is diode.
The numbers after the letter help find an individual component. imagine having 500 resistors on one PCB.
R1, R2, R3............R99 etc.

You edited your reply.
Yes, exactly C57 = capacitor number
D31 = diode number 31. Although the type is not given. As @davenn said, probably standard diodes like 1N4000 series or smaller.

A fantastic book is “The Art Of Electronics”. By Harrowitz and Hill.

The leds in the footswitch assembly are probably red leds.

Yes, indeed they usually are, however some are bicolor, which you need to search down at the usual sites..
digikey, mouser etc. Fender would prefer you buy a new amp, or even a new foot switch instead, so they
don't usually make these parts available, or at the very least they would want you to pay someone "authorized"
to do the repair. Hardly worth it to supply rehab parts to the DIY crowd for a foot switch, they go for around $40 new.