Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Schematic Capture and Board Layout Software

Are there any schematic capture/board layout applications available
for Windows that don't cost an arm and a leg, yet are reasonably

EasyPCB is the only one I'm familiar with, but I'd rather have
something that I can use to design and layout boards to be built by
other companies.

Randy Day

Are there any schematic capture/board layout applications available
for Windows that don't cost an arm and a leg, yet are reasonably

EasyPCB is the only one I'm familiar with, but I'd rather have
something that I can use to design and layout boards to be built by
other companies.


I've sent their Gerber files out to get PCB's made, with no

I haven't tried multi-layer stuff, though...


Randy Day said:
I've sent their Gerber files out to get PCB's made, with no
I haven't tried multi-layer stuff, though...
I've used EasyCad (from for schematic - it's meant for 2D
stuff, but since we had it at work, I tend to use it out of familiarity and
convenience. If you buy it it is around $300 I think for a license.
Then manually type the netlist in PADSPCB format. Sounds laborious, but not
too bad, and the extra time means I notice things that should be on the
circuit but aren't.
I tried KICAD but am so familiar with Easycad that the learning curve seemed
too steep. And it didn't make as pretty coloured drawings.

FREEPCB seems really handy for layouts, taking the netlist in along with
component shapes. Sometimes notice things missing again ! Edit to netlist
and re-import. I lashed up a little program to extract the parts and nets
into simple lists to make sure all the nets were imported correctly. Just
don't trust myself - with good reason.
Works up to 16 layers (iirc). Just waiting for first pcb to come back from
PCBCART in China to see if it all hangs together for a doublesided, then
will try their 4 and 6 layer.
