Maker Pro
Maker Pro

scantronic alarm 9800

Hi I need to replace battery, one I do this will control panel revert to normal automatically? (Ie error message will go)
Are you talking about changing the backup battery in a Scantronic 9800 Central Statioin Receiver, or are you working with some home alarm model of control panel? They are completely different animals.

I only ask this because sometimes a user will home in on the word "Alarm", and assume all alarm systems are alike. They aren't.

If you can verify you're working with a Scantronic 9800 (probably made in the 90's), I can't help you. I'm familiar with home, small business, and institutional alarm systems since back in the 70's, but Central Station Receivers were not in my purview.

If you're talking about a home alarm panel, then see if you can find a model number and I can probably answer your question. If you can't find a model number, then a brand name and the date of installation might help. You have to be careful changing batteries with some of the older panels (more than 25 years).