Maker Pro
Maker Pro

running the hantek 1008c

I think I am starting to get the hang of this sckilloscrap thingy...

setting the controls wrong makes it impossible to understand nuthin,


Hop - AC8NS
what settings would I need to read an induced current in a magnetic field coil with say a 12v driver.?
Have you visited any of the links on this Google results page? Read the instruction manual?

Try building on a solderless breadboard a simple 555 oscillator circuit. Look at the pulses on the output and the saw-tooth waveform across the timing capacitor. Play with the RC values and observe the changes in the oscilloscope display. Play with your new toy until you have a firm understanding of how to trigger the sweep, set the vertical sensitivity, and the time-base speed. Once you have obtained that level of confidence, you are ready to tackle trying to observe "real world" signals.

The most important thing is learning how to produce a repetitive sweep that you can see on the screen, even if it is just a horizontal line. Once you can see something on the screen, you can adjust the time-base speed and vertical sensitivity to get a signal displayed on the screen. It may not be fixed, it may crawl left or right (maybe doing this too fast for you to determine which direction), but it is important that you first get something you can actually see. All subsequent adjustments proceed from there. Adjust the vertical sensitivity, trigger point (slope and amplitude at which the sweep triggers), and the sweep (time-base) speed until you see at least two complete cycles of the 555 oscillator.

Settings depend on what you expect to find in terms of "induced current in a magnetic field with say a 12 V driver." What does that even mean? Please post a schematic or wiring diagram or something that indicates where the signal you want to display originates. What is a 12 V driver, and how does it fit into what you are trying to observe? Amplitude of voltages induced (in a magnetic pickup coil) by a changing magnetic field depend on how fast the field is changing. If this is an internal combustion engine application, the signal will be pulses whose repetition rate and width depends on engine RPM, so be prepared to re-adjust the vertical sensitivity and time-base speed accordingly. At low RPM, you may have to re-adjust the trigger controls to obtain a sweep.