Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ruby amp debugging help

Thanks!! Will that sound like the ruby amp?? Instead of putting an output jack i'll be using a speaker.

And I'll put the mixer at the end and I'll use stereo jack for the cd player so I won't miss the rhythm/lead in some mp3s
Thanks!! Will that sound like the ruby amp?? Instead of putting an output jack i'll be using a speaker.
I've never built the Ruby Amp, but the sound quality is quite good on the jammer.
The Jammer can handle 8 to 32 ohm loads, not sure how a speaker will go, as I've never tried it in that way, though a speaker of no more than 1 watt should work well without further amplification.

And I'll put the mixer at the end and I'll use stereo jack for the cd player so I won't miss the rhythm/lead in some mp3s
As you've said, it is critical you use a stereo jack as the CD input, otherwise you will miss certain music components.
Even though the CD player signals are combined, it shouldn't affect the rhythm/lead components. It should include everything. :)
Please let us know how you get on.
Relayer :D
I've never built the Ruby Amp, but the sound quality is quite good on the jammer.
The Jammer can handle 8 to 32 ohm loads, not sure how a speaker will go, as I've never tried it in that way, though a speaker of no more than 1 watt should work well without further amplification.

As you've said, it is critical you use a stereo jack as the CD input, otherwise you will miss certain music components.
Even though the CD player signals are combined, it shouldn't affect the rhythm/lead components. It should include everything. :)
Please let us know how you get on.
Relayer :D

no, what i mean is i like the rhythm/lead separated... yeah i dont know why i like it that way..


no, what i mean is i like the rhythm/lead separated... yeah i dont know why i like it that way..

HUH ??? what's this new specification?
you never said anything about that at the start, you just wanted a guitar practice amp

actually to be more accurate, you didnt even want that, you just wanted to know why your basic low power audio amp cct didnt work

your original circuit you posted isnt going to do that nor is relayers one.
what you want to achieve will take a lot more electronics

HUH ??? what's this new specification?
you never said anything about that at the start, you just wanted a guitar practice amp

actually to be more accurate, you didnt even want that, you just wanted to know why your basic low power audio amp cct didnt work

your original circuit you posted isnt going to do that nor is relayers one.
what you want to achieve will take a lot more electronics


sorry dav. but i thinkm this case is closed. i'll just try this new circuit... it looks good.. haha i know how it works.. he mix left and right and the guitar input and put it in the amp..

but i'll just modify it cause i dont want the left and right to be mixed