Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RS485 Timeout


I am writing an application for a RS485 network. Basically, a client
server program.
So when server sends command out, the client who receive it send some
data back.
My question is that how long the timeout should be for the server? How
long should the server wait before report a time out to user

Many Thanks

Hot Jock


I am writing an application for a RS485 network. Basically, a client
server program.
So when server sends command out, the client who receive it send some
data back.
My question is that how long the timeout should be for the server? How
long should the server wait before report a time out to user

Many Thanks

8.267196e-007 fortnights seems a good choice to me.

Joel Koltner

My question is that how long the timeout should be for the server?

You're in a much better position to answer that than we are. How long do the
clients normally take to do whatever it is they're supposed to do? If it's
pretty much "instantaneous," having timeouts of 100ms is entirely reasonable.
If it takes a second or so, a 5 second timeout is probably good. If it takes
more than 5 seconds, be sure to have a "cancel" button so that a user isn't
forced to wait through an, e.g., 30 second timeout when they're quite certain
something is amiss.

Also, don't design a system the way I saw one implemented once: All commands
*but one* would complete in <100ms. That *one* command would take something
like 5-10 seconds, so some "clever" programmer decided that ALL commands
should have a 30 second timeout, since they didn't want to make a "special
case" out of the one 5-10 second command. What a pain...

If you're feeling like doing really robust design, for any processing that
takes more than a second or so you can have the client issue successive "still
working..." messages. This is the nicest thing to do for your user -- you can
use ~one second timeouts so they'll know right away if something is amiss --
but it does tend to make the entire protocol noticeably more complicated than
the dead-easy command/response model. (You still need an "overall" timeout in
case the client gets stuck saying "still busy..." and then you're tempted to
figure, "hey, I should create this "global reset" command that will always
un-stick the client, and... etc...)



I am writing an application for a RS485 network. Basically, a client
server program.
So when server sends command out, the client who receive it send some
data back.
My question is that how long the timeout should be for the server? How
long should the server wait before report a time out to user

Many Thanks

Depends on the application, of course. You didn't say if you have control of
both ends or not. RS485 is usually implemented as a "master/slave(s)"
relationship. You call it client/server system, but is it just two devices?
Multiple uncoordinated clients sending inquiries to a common server on RS485
sounds like a collision-fest. I'm assuming your "server" has the role of
master if there are multiple "clients".

As long as everyone is operating, there is no impact no matter how long you
make the timeout, of course. But if you are polling a bunch of devices and
some are dead/unpowered, you can waste lots of bandwidth this way. I usually
assume a few hundred millisecs when all slaves are interrupt driven, baud
rates in the range of 9.6 - 38k, and their responses don't take too long to
create. I suspect others use a much smaller timeout, and use higher baud
rates than I do. But it allows me to power up the network in random order
and poll all 32 devices in under 10 sec (assuming they are all
non-responsive when first tried). After they all stabilize, the latency for
any device is under 1 second, and a single missed message runs the latency
for all devices out to about 1.25 sec.

Occasionally, with small micro's, I've had the slaves maintain certain long
responses "continuously", in background mode, so that when they get a
request, they can respond quickly and the timeout can remain small. Some
internal routines, like C "sprintf", for instance, can take a very long time
in real-time or high speed systems. And many can't be called within ISR's,
because they are not re-entrant and/or they just keep interrupts disabled
too long.

On the flip side, I'll mention the turn-around delay needs to be considered
too. Neither end can reply until the previous sender has had time to turn
off its driver and free the line. If the reply starts too soon, the first
character in the reply will be garbled at the destination. I usually set
this time in the 1-5 msec range. Then I turn off the driver in the ISR
(allow one extra interrupt after last character is sent). If you have to
rely on some handshake method in your foreground code, or a callback, to
turn off the driver, you'll probably find that you need longer times, and
that the disable time has a lot of variation to it.

Hope this helps,

Rich Grise

I am writing an application for a RS485 network. Basically, a client
server program.
So when server sends command out, the client who receive it send some
data back.
My question is that how long the timeout should be for the server? How
long should the server wait before report a time out to user

How long do you want to wait? Since you're writing the app, you can have
it wait as long as you want to. You might want to do some kind of reality
check - write a really crappy unresponsive client program, and see how
long it takes to pick up.

But, bottom line, it's entirely up to you. Personally I wouldn't want to
wait more than, say, 30 seconds; a minute max. (a minute is a looooooong
time when you're sitting there waiting for some remote computer to respond.)

Good Luck!

Rene Tschaggelar


I am writing an application for a RS485 network. Basically, a client
server program.
So when server sends command out, the client who receive it send some
data back.
My question is that how long the timeout should be for the server? How
long should the server wait before report a time out to user

What is the longest delay of a slave ? You could have
a table for each command, how long it takes to execute
and just wait this time.
