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Maker Pro

Rodin Coils

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I was wondering if anyone else here has actually experimented with these. I built one out of curiosity a while ago and found that it didnt have any remarkable qualities at all - just behaved like a normal magnetic coil - and a very inefficient one at that.
It wasn't the free energy I was interested in (I'm crazy, not stupid :p ) - more the supposed shape of the magnetic field which was also a load of bull :p


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I can do no more than point you to this.

If, after reading it, you still think there is something serious to study...
Hey RavenLuni.......Want to buy some crystals? I can give you a good deal!:rolleyes:

They are gauranteed to balance your energy and cure cancer!:D
Oh I've had a good play with the numbers and know well how they can be applied to any number base. I did manage to get something from it though which is a half decent algorithm for converting between number bases.

I have something of a mystical background myself which I wont go into but it never ceases to amaze me how much simple numerical patterns and truths are worshipped by some people. The freemasons are the worst for it. These people want to try some real mathematics :p


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Sounds to me like a Numerologist with illusions of grandeur.

As you begin to glide through this explanation of Marko Rodin's fantastic discoveries, please understand that you must set aside many commonly held belief systems of the way the world works in order to fully comprehend the completely new truths that are embodied in this discovery.

Seems to target the "I don't understand science, so it must be wrong" crowd.

I have no real argument with the pretty patterns he "discovered", but leaping straight from "oh, look, a pretty pattern" to "this shows the way energy flows" is a pretty huge leap. And it's a huge leap made without any explanation or demonstration of why it might be true.

Of fundamental importance, if he wishes us to discard current explanations of how things work, then he bears the burden of showing that his explanation fits *at least* as well, and preferably better than current theory does with observation.

And it must be able to, becuase:

This math truly explains everything that ever was, is, and ever will be in the universe, perfectly, with no omissions.

And really, have you read this:

At the age of fifteen Marko Rodin projected his mind as far as he could across the universe and asked the question, "What is the secret behind intelligence?" Due to his gift of intense focus or because it was time for him to know the answer, his stomach muscles turned to iron and as he was literally lifted forward he answered out loud, "I understand."

Science by revelation -- I think not.

You must go here, it's a hoot. However I need to warn you that it may exceed your annual safe gobbledygook exposure in one visit.

I leave you with one gem (but fear not, there are many more)

The Aetheron Flux Monopole Emanations comprise the positive, transparent ÎZÌ axis of the Abha Torus. This is not the traditional Z-Axis of the traditional, Euclidean geometry. The transparent Z-Axis of the Abha Torus is actually a point source from which linear Emanations pour in all spherical directions from the center, as demonstrated by the Dandelion Puff Principle.
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