Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Reverse household electric meter


Chieftain of the Carpet Crawlers

Well, if you can generate electricity cheaper than the utility can,
then by all means, sell it!

I find it a little dubious that a diesel generator can make electricity
for less than, say, 12 cents per KWH, unless you have an oil well in
your back yard. (or maybe you have a biodiesel plant.) ;-)


Puff-a-kite up high enough to catch the sunlight at night. ;-)

I used to get up past a few thousand feet with these. As far as a
spool of high test fishing line can get you.

I still don't know why "puff-a-kite"s are not still around.

I don't think it was a "whammo" product. They are still around anyway.

Try to find a real "Superball" They are lame compared to yesteryear.



The only way to make a meter run backwards is to supply power rather
than drawing it.

No chance.


Only if you are up far enough to be immersed in the aurora (or down).

Then, you can grab a few mA. ;-)


Try to find a real "Superball" They are lame compared to yesteryear.

Real men use a large ball bearing on a thick steel plate. It'd make your
yesteryear superball look like a tennis ball.
No sir, you're not thinking right--it /proves/ the profitablity and
sustainablity of greed^Hn energy! (Just ask Diamond Al) Not to
mention the green jobs...

Here's an even greener idea--use a motor-gen set to spin up a flywheel
by night, then sell the power back by day. That's more efficient,
profitable, practical, quieter, and easier to hid^H^H^Hmaintain.

That would be useful, if there was no premium paid because it's "solar". Why
should it matter how the energy is generated? Isn't wind just as "green" as
solar? Or are some pigs greener than others?

Chieftain of the Carpet Crawlers

Real men use a large ball bearing on a thick steel plate. It'd make your
yesteryear superball look like a tennis ball.

You're a goddamned idiot.

The superball bounces. That is the point, dumbfucktard. Your steel ball
does not bounce until the pressure comes up.

At that point, I hope you get hit with the first ricochet.

My pop worked at Cinti. Milacron. I knew more about bearings than you
when I was 6.


You're a goddamned idiot.

The superball bounces. That is the point, dumbfucktard. Your steel ball
does not bounce until the pressure comes up.

Everyone's entitled to be stupid, But you're abusing the privilege.

They both bounce, and for exactly the same reason. You Stupid Fuckstick. A
steel ball on a steel plate would of course bounce higher.

Before you try to sound knowledgeable on something, make sure you actually
have a clue about it. Right now, the only things you're qualified to
comment on are drugs, mental instability, and rehab.
At that point, I hope you get hit with the first ricochet.

Is your predictability innate, or is this something your Chia pet taught
My pop worked at Cinti. Milacron.

He was probably a Janitor as well. You come from a long line of them no
doubt. Were all of them as incompetent as you?
I knew more about bearings than you
when I was 6.

More unsubstantiated lies. It's all you've got. ****-all, really.

Chieftain of the Carpet Crawlers

They both bounce, and for exactly the same reason. You Stupid Fuckstick. A
steel ball on a steel plate would of course bounce higher.

No, it would not.

I would gladly fire you through a rail gun and into your precious plate
to explain the inertial physics to you though.

The pasty SPLAT result would make a lot of folks happy that you would
no longer be spewing biohazards into the world.


Chieftain of the Carpet Crawlers

Before you try to sound knowledgeable on something, make sure you actually
have a clue about it.

You're an idiot. Read the post. "Until the pressure comes up".

You lose. Mainly because you read like a drunkard drives, so you must
be in an alcoholic stupor every time you sit in front of your pathetic
shitbox. I hope you die soon, asswipe.

I would venture to say that I have been around and am familiar with more
different manufacturing processes than you have.

Cincinnati Milacron and the Evendale GE jet engine facility and a host
of other companies in the area allowed for that.
Right now, the only things you're qualified to
comment on are drugs,

Philosophically, yes. Firsthand, only three, currently, as I quit
tobacco back in '87 after 17 years of attacking my body with it. I doubt
that you have any clue what anyone qualifies for, since you have no grasp
of the meaning of the word.

You lose, again, asswipe. And we won't even go into human self
inebriation. Idiots like you call me a drug head, and you are probably
drunk doing it.

I'd bet that you are on the hypocrite bandwagon, big time.
mental instability,

Sorry, I have no experience with that, other than exposure to it via
the wealth of retarded twits I see in here, like you, for instance.
and rehab.

No experience with that either, as I have never had a problem with my
ability to control myself.

I doubt you can make the same claim. Your immature behavior here is
blatant evidence of that being a true statement.


That would be useful, if there was no premium paid because it's "solar".Why
should it matter how the energy is generated? Isn't wind just as "green" as
solar? Or are some pigs greener than others?

Depends on who is judging the color.


Everyone's entitled to be stupid, But you're abusing the privilege.

They both bounce, and for exactly the same reason. You Stupid Fuckstick.A
steel ball on a steel plate would of course bounce higher.

Before you try to sound knowledgeable on something, make sure you actually
have a clue about it. Right now, the only things you're qualified to
comment on are drugs, mental instability, and rehab.

Is your predictability innate, or is this something your Chia pet taught

He was probably a Janitor as well. You come from a long line of them no
doubt. Were all of them as incompetent as you?

More unsubstantiated lies. It's all you've got. ****-all, really.

Do you have to give the pain slut masochist what it wants?

Chieftain of the Carpet Crawlers

Of course you would think that.

No, idiot. I KNOW THAT.
You're AlwayWrong.

Said the retard that cannot even spell? OK.

I am going to Heaven with Christ. Why is it that you are going the
other way without Him?

Could it be that it is you that is wrong?
[...] The usual blather and impotent threats.

The usual pussy snipping. You're a fucking joke.


No, idiot. I KNOW THAT.

AlwaysWrong. But that never stopped you before.

Perhaps you should consult Google before continuing to make a prat of
Said the retard that cannot even spell? OK.

The typo pounce. The expected response from the creatively challenged
nose-picker. It's all yu got.

How much do you charge for your proofreading services? My secretary could
use a hand. (I'll leave a few spelling mistakes in this post and you can
point them out and pretend you made another flame)
I am going to Heaven with Christ. Why is it that you are going the
other way without Him?

I'm an Atheist.
Could it be that it is you that is wrong?

Nope. I'm completely amd utterly convinced that it's you, AlwaysWrong.
[...] The usual blather and impotent threats.

The usual pussy snipping. You're a fucking joke.

It's too bad the doctor didn't let your mother have a complete abortion,
instead of the obviously less successful partial you're still showing the
effects of. I'll bet the afterbirth had more social skills.

Well, at least until she ate it.