Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Reverse household electric meter



So we get to pay your electric bill, plus some more to boot. That
doesn't seem very neighborly.

George H.

I think we *all* should do it, that way we can create a money machine
that will support everyone forever. Yea, that's right, no one needs to
work, and we'll all have above average incomes too. Cool, that is the
way to go.

I'm going out and order ten of these devices, maybe more.


So we get to pay your electric bill, plus some more to boot. That
doesn't seem very neighborly.

George H.

That already happens in Europe with solar power feed in tariffs.

And because the tariffs are so generous some people in Germany and
Spain have usde arc lights at night to generate solar power to feed
into the grid.

Of course all the other users pay an inflated price for electricity to
pay for the feed in tariff for "green" power.


Spanish authorities are investigating companies who claim to have
produced solar energy at night

Authorities in Spain have launched an investigation into solar energy
installations that have been selling electricity apparently generated
at night.

/end quote


No! This thing generates dangerous, experimental, internationally
banned /backwards/ electricity--not only will your meter run
backwards, but clocks and computers too. Hairdryers and furnaces will
suck instead of blow, washers will dirty your clothes, etc. And,
worst of all, it'll drain the charge right out from your hybrid,
shaver, iPod, etc.

Stay away!

Damn, I didn't realize it was so bad... Suck the charge right out of my
cell phone, you say? That corks it for me.


Paul Yeager said:
Does this thing work?

If so, how?

I also heard you can rewire your house to draw current between neutral
and earth, and thereby

Paul Yeager

just ask them:

Supa Boondee Shop and Export Division
3/336 BanPrachanivej 1, Building 2, 5th floor,
Tessabarn Nimit Nua Rd, Ladyao, Jatujak district,
Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Tel: +66-2-5805286
Fax: +662-1580432

Rich Grise

anospam said:
just ask them:

Supa Boondee Shop and Export Division
3/336 BanPrachanivej 1, Building 2, 5th floor,
Tessabarn Nimit Nua Rd, Ladyao, Jatujak district,
Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Tel: +66-2-5805286
Fax: +662-1580432

My telephone doesn't seem to have a '+' key.


Sylvia Else

That already happens in Europe with solar power feed in tariffs.

And because the tariffs are so generous some people in Germany and
Spain have usde arc lights at night to generate solar power to feed
into the grid.

Of course all the other users pay an inflated price for electricity to
pay for the feed in tariff for "green" power.


Spanish authorities are investigating companies who claim to have
produced solar energy at night

Authorities in Spain have launched an investigation into solar energy
installations that have been selling electricity apparently generated
at night.

I think you'll find that the conclusion was that the meter clocks were



Sylvia Else said:
I think you'll find that the conclusion was that the meter clocks were wrong.


Its plausible they are selling regular power back to the grid at subsidised solar prices.
I wondered for a while whether someone dared to think of it and now it seems someone did :)


Martin Brown

I think you'll find that the conclusion was that the meter clocks were

In at least some cases it was outright fraud with diesel electric
generators running, though in some others wind turbines had been
attached to the "solar power" input allegedly "by mistake".

Solar typically has a better feed in tariff than wind.
(but the wind blows at night which is a give away)

Martin Brown

Rich Grise

Martin said:
In at least some cases it was outright fraud with diesel electric
generators running, though in some others wind turbines had been
attached to the "solar power" input allegedly "by mistake".

Well, if you can generate electricity cheaper than the utility can,
then by all means, sell it!

I find it a little dubious that a diesel generator can make electricity
for less than, say, 12 cents per KWH, unless you have an oil well in
your back yard. (or maybe you have a biodiesel plant.) ;-)


Sylvia Else

Well, if you can generate electricity cheaper than the utility can,
then by all means, sell it!

Well, if that was all there were to it, there'd be no problem. The issue
arises because the utility is required to pay a substantial premium for
solar generated electricity.

Well, if that was all there were to it, there'd be no problem. The issue
arises because the utility is required to pay a substantial premium for
solar generated electricity.

Kinda shows the absurdity of the whole thing, doesn't it?