Hey everyone! New member here, have gotten some great info from this forum before, now registered to make some questions of my own.
I'm working on a project to automate a retractable roof for a swimming pool. The roof is already built and can be opened and closed manually. It is divided in 3 parts, 1 fixed and 2 movable. I did some math and figured out I should be able to push/pull the 2 mobile parts using 2x 24V 350W DC MY1016z3 Motors, typically used for eBikes, using a chain and some sprockets to reduce its speed to a manageable level. I have already bought all of the before mentioned parts and have an idea of how I will mount the mechanical parts.
Next up is electronics: I am using 2 12V car batteries connected in series to provide the needed 24 V for the motors, hooked up to 2 old solar panels I had laying around through a Victron MPPT Charger that is already hooked up and working fine.
Here is where it gets a bit complicated for my knowledge level and I have some questions.
I got some buck converters (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079N9BFZC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) to step down the 24V from the batteries to 5V to power an ESP32 which will be my brain.
1st question: is this an acceptable way to power a micro controller? These batteries will be at 100% charge almost always since the roof will only occasionally be closed/opened so I assume the output voltage of the buck converters should be pretty constant.
Next up is my circuit to be able to run the motors in both directions to open and close the roof. My plan is to use a Dual Relay H-Bridge for each motor, sharing a single output from the ESP32 to make both motors start and stop at the same time. At 350W and 24V the rated amperage of my motors is about 14,6 A, however I know that inrush current and a possible stall current are much higher. The biggest logic level relays I could find are rated up to 30A at 30VDC.
2nd question: is it ok to use these relays with the motors I am planning on using, even if inrush current and stall current may exceed the relays rated capacity for a short while?
3rd question: is it ok to connect the motors directly to the battery through the relay h-bridge or should I connect something else in between to soften the inrush spike? Or maybe something else to avoid back-current to the ESP32 when shutting the motor down?
To make sure the motors don't stall for a long while should the roof become stuck somehow, I ordered some ACS758 50A bidirectional current sensors. I plan on monitoring each motors current using these sensors and the ESP32, and have the circuit shut itself down if the current stays above 30 A for more than 1 or 2 seconds. I figured this is the best way to do it, since a fuse will blow every time during motor startup. If there's a better way, please let me know.
Here's some pictures of the roof:
I'm pretty sure I had some more questions but can't think of them right now
I'll update if I remember some more.
Thanks for your attention!
I'm working on a project to automate a retractable roof for a swimming pool. The roof is already built and can be opened and closed manually. It is divided in 3 parts, 1 fixed and 2 movable. I did some math and figured out I should be able to push/pull the 2 mobile parts using 2x 24V 350W DC MY1016z3 Motors, typically used for eBikes, using a chain and some sprockets to reduce its speed to a manageable level. I have already bought all of the before mentioned parts and have an idea of how I will mount the mechanical parts.
Next up is electronics: I am using 2 12V car batteries connected in series to provide the needed 24 V for the motors, hooked up to 2 old solar panels I had laying around through a Victron MPPT Charger that is already hooked up and working fine.
Here is where it gets a bit complicated for my knowledge level and I have some questions.
I got some buck converters (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079N9BFZC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) to step down the 24V from the batteries to 5V to power an ESP32 which will be my brain.
1st question: is this an acceptable way to power a micro controller? These batteries will be at 100% charge almost always since the roof will only occasionally be closed/opened so I assume the output voltage of the buck converters should be pretty constant.
Next up is my circuit to be able to run the motors in both directions to open and close the roof. My plan is to use a Dual Relay H-Bridge for each motor, sharing a single output from the ESP32 to make both motors start and stop at the same time. At 350W and 24V the rated amperage of my motors is about 14,6 A, however I know that inrush current and a possible stall current are much higher. The biggest logic level relays I could find are rated up to 30A at 30VDC.
2nd question: is it ok to use these relays with the motors I am planning on using, even if inrush current and stall current may exceed the relays rated capacity for a short while?
3rd question: is it ok to connect the motors directly to the battery through the relay h-bridge or should I connect something else in between to soften the inrush spike? Or maybe something else to avoid back-current to the ESP32 when shutting the motor down?
To make sure the motors don't stall for a long while should the roof become stuck somehow, I ordered some ACS758 50A bidirectional current sensors. I plan on monitoring each motors current using these sensors and the ESP32, and have the circuit shut itself down if the current stays above 30 A for more than 1 or 2 seconds. I figured this is the best way to do it, since a fuse will blow every time during motor startup. If there's a better way, please let me know.
Here's some pictures of the roof:
I'm pretty sure I had some more questions but can't think of them right now
Thanks for your attention!