The Moderators here are the best source of all-encompassing information I know of anywhere. I marvelled at KrisBlueNZ's patience and thoroughness in the detailed information he passed along to us in answers to our questons.
It's hard to believe everyone here are strangers to his family. He was family to a lot of us. If I had one thing to say to his family, who were apparently unaware of everything that he did for us on this website, it would be that he helped many more people than they know of. He'll live-on for us on this website because of all of his reference posts and advice. Those posts are available to all of us, and will be greatly appreciated by others who will view them
here in the future. He left us his Legacy in words an opinion that help us, and will not be forgotten by those of us who have known him. We grieve his loss more than you can know.
We'll miss you KrisBlueNZ
73 NA8U Dennis