Our local newspapers recently published a released image of cluster Galaxy Messier 87's super-massive black hole, obtained through Very-Long Base-Line Interferometry.
For those who don't know, this is a correlation of multiple far-flung radio-telescopes located on planet Earth.
This creates a "virtual radio telescope" the diameter of Earth!!
When these telescopes are synchronized (atomic hydrogen clock), and aimed at a common target (M87 in Virgo cluster), a more detailed image is obtainable.
What interests me with this VLBI, is the wider the aperature, or diameter of the 'virtual dish', the better the resolution.
So, I wonder if placing a remote radio telescope on say, the moon, at 384402 Km from us, and another in space, to form a triangle, work?
Maybe a future project for astronomy..
Links to M87/SMBH etc:
For those who don't know, this is a correlation of multiple far-flung radio-telescopes located on planet Earth.
This creates a "virtual radio telescope" the diameter of Earth!!
When these telescopes are synchronized (atomic hydrogen clock), and aimed at a common target (M87 in Virgo cluster), a more detailed image is obtainable.
What interests me with this VLBI, is the wider the aperature, or diameter of the 'virtual dish', the better the resolution.
So, I wonder if placing a remote radio telescope on say, the moon, at 384402 Km from us, and another in space, to form a triangle, work?
Maybe a future project for astronomy..
Links to M87/SMBH etc: