Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Requesting Ideas for my Next Venture

I am relatively new to electronics and have most recently graduated from successfully building a distortion pedal for my guitar (With thanks to Bertus, AG, Harald and others).

I am now looking for my next project. Here is my criteria:

Must not be too complex (I am a newbie)
Must have a practical function
Must employ easily obtainable parts
Also, am particularly interested in guitar related devices, but it does not have to be.

So far, what comes to mind are the following possibilities:

A lie detector (I think I saw a relatively simple schematic somewhere- I forget where though).
A theremin ( need a simple schematic though)

I am open to suggestions.

I suggest you make more guitar fx first.
Use the design that already works and change the op-amps, caps and resistors to obtain different fuzz etc.
Nail this down and understand how it works first. Make notes for changes.
Add power LED and a fx bypass.
Add a 9V power jack and battery connector.
Add a voltage regulator circuit.
The list can be endless.

Martin. I think that’s a good idea. I was planning to do the experimental stuff on a breadboard. I also have three aluminium boxes coming and with them, I was going to try the stomp box switch, led and buffered by pass.

I am also looking for a new project that is different from a pedal, just for a diversion. But I appreciate the suggestion. As I say, I was going to do that, but you suggesting it puts it higher on my priority list. I may have sluffed it off for a while, but you’re right in terms of continuing to learn
If you connect the LED correctly, the standard 555 astable circuit will produce a constant LED on time (blink/flash) and a variable off time (metronome period). According to Wikipedia, "A metronome's tempo typically is adjustable from 40 to 208 BPM." That's a 5:1 range, easy for a 555.

555, 3 caps, 3 fixed resistors, 1 pot, 1 LED.
