Maker Pro
Maker Pro

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Hey there,

Thought I'd write an extremely brief introduction for myself,

I'm a Data Recovery technician at a UK based firm and I've joined this forum because i feel i need to gain a better understanding of electronics and how it all works(required for logic board failures)

Looking forward to becoming an active member of this forum :)
A welcome from me DanR.
Hope you enjoy the forum, i posted in your axial fan power supply thread, before i found your introductions thread.
And more than anything, have fun, but stay safe.
Dave. :)


greetings Dan,
welcome to the forums :)

Sit back, relax and join in the discussions. dont be shy in asking questions :)
we are all here to help where we can.

I'm sure I will enjoy my stay.

Can't wait to get back into electronics, as a kid I spent a lot of my time building little projects with left over components (Dad was an Radio engineer so there was plenty of bits)