Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Barney Ohmart, reporting for duty (cycle)!

Hi everyone, I'm Barney Ohmart, long-time electronics nut; first-time forumer (here)

I enjoy pulling old stuff apart to scavenge bits, and making new things for the kids to break so I can scavenge for parts.

I also design electronics-biased (ha ha!) cartoons that appear on shirts, mugs, mousepads, and electronic toothpick dispensers. OK, not electronic toothpick dispensers :rolleyes:
p.s. I won't do the shameless link to my store thing unless 1, someone actually asks for it or 2, I reach 20 odd posts. The even ones I don't count.


Welcome to the forums, nbw :)

I also enjoy pulling any old electical items to bits! When I was younger, my parents friends would send over anything broken so I could get some parts out of it. I I'm sure I've still got some little motors and LEDs to this day from those items!
Yes indeed - LEDs, switches are my favourites, followed by heatsinks, transformers and the occasional tantalum cap! :)