Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Repairman's knot


Arfa Daily

jim menning said:
Thanks for the pictures, explanations, and apology. I'd like to apologize
to you also for the way this turned into an argument from what should
simply have been a more cooperative and tolerant effort from both sides.

jim menning
Accepted. Regrettable incident all round ...


Arfa Daily

John E. said:
Thanks so much for posting for the general public. I see it's a slight --
better -- modification on the technique I've used. I like the "push the
through" at the end rather than "push the plug through". In USA the plugs
smaller, but still I like your method.

Thanks again,

No problem - glad you found it of use. I have to admit that I have been
surprised by the interest in this rather obscure subject, which is why I
never bothered putting the pics up for all to see in the first place, and we
all know where that well-intentioned, but ultimate folly led .... d;~}


David Brodbeck

Maybe it *would* have
only taken a few more moments to resize them, but I resent you calling me
'ignorant' for not doing so.

I didn't use any language in my reply that you didn't use in your post.
I realize the tone probably came across as harsh but I meant to gently
turn your words back on you. In the rough-and-tumble world of USENET I
figured you'd take it the way it was intended. :)
I also resent your suggestion that I do not
know how to "properly handle digital photos".

A lot of people don't. From your responses I assumed you didn't.
That's all. I'm sorry if you took that as a slight.
So to Jim Menning, and you Mr Brodbeck, if all that makes me "not a good
guy", and one of "the jerks", then sobeit.

I never called you a jerk.

Esther & Fester Bestertester

I'm sorry if you took that as a slight.

That's not an apology. "I'm sorry if you" isn't in the definition.


N Cook

Wayne Tiffany said:

Sorry, couldn't help that one. :)


I was aware of sort of not-knot knots like
Monky's fist eg's_fist
and Turk's head eg
similar "function" of this repairman's knot
but could not find pics/instructions on the web
as I knew not the name for it or what-not

Arfa Daily

David Brodbeck said:
I didn't use any language in my reply that you didn't use in your post.
I realize the tone probably came across as harsh but I meant to gently
turn your words back on you. In the rough-and-tumble world of USENET I
figured you'd take it the way it was intended. :)

A lot of people don't. From your responses I assumed you didn't.
That's all. I'm sorry if you took that as a slight.

I never called you a jerk.

Well, It's all over and sorted out now. I wasn't called a jerk directly, but
if you read carefully all of the stuff that was levelled at me, you will see
that I was effectively branded as one by implication - if I hadn't managed
to prove that I was one of "the good guys" after being invited to do so then

Accepted your point that you were just " turning my words back ... " I have
been involved with Usenet for a long time, and am well familiar with the
"rough and tumble" as you call it. It is impossible to contribute regularly
to a news group, and not get into occasional spats and disagreements that
get out of hand. There are people out there who cause them deliberately.

Most of the time, I can look at them with amusement, and throw the insults
right back, as they are meaningless. However, that does not mean that I will
just roll over and take it, when I feel that a comment levelled at me was
perfectly intentional in its meaning. Sometimes, such things are as a result
of different cultures or the way a language is spoken and, again, I would
cite the situation of the UK and America - two nations separated by a common
language. For the most part, as I visit America frequently, and therefore
speak and understand 'American English', I take the correct meaning from
something that is said. Occasionally though, I get it wrong, and perhaps
take offence at something that wasn't intended to be that way. The same
applies, of course, the other way around. This isn't intended to have any
particular pro or anti American connotations, either as individuals or as a
nation, as another poster seemed to infer. This sort of thing is a fact of
Usenet newsgroups where there is likely to be participants from many
nations. It is something that I have commented on, on here, before.

Anyway, as I said, it's all sorted now, and hopefully, we can all get back
to being friends. God knows, we've all got enough enemies now, without
creating more for ourselves on here. Thanks for taking the trouble to come
back and explain your position, and I hope that you now understand where I
was coming from. Bad day. Got out of hand. Sorry all. :-(


Michael Kennedy

I gave you the opportunity to prove you were a good guy, and not one of
the jerks.

You made an unnecessary reference to "the Americans" in your response
here. A more proper statement would have been that other
"well-intentioned responders" were confused. Rather than drag
nationalities into the equation, how about just clearing up the confusion
that you claim exists? Providing the pictures to a common location could
have enlightened all.

But the real bottom line here is: Did you follow up to make the pictures

Again, here's the challenge: Prove to us you are the "good guy" as you
initially appeared to be.

Thank you.

Give him a break. He has went out of his way a few times to help me.. Plus
who cares taht he said "the Americans"... I don't care and I'm american.

- Mike

Michael Kennedy

I don't feel I'm being too hard on him. I came into this thread after he
had become
hostile, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who was curious to see his
pictures to see exactly what the original poster was asking about.
Truthfully, I'd like to see how his knot differs from the one I had
pictured in my mind. And if so many others in the thread were confused
also, wouldn't it be helpful for him to share with all of us? It's
beneficial to all readers to see the outcome, otherwise all responses
might as well be done via email rather than even being discussed here.

I'm sure he'd be happy to share the pictures if you just ask. Arfa is
usually quite a nice guy.

- Mike

David Brodbeck

Esther said:
That's not an apology. "I'm sorry if you" isn't in the definition.

It was an expression of regret that my intent was mistaken.

Text is a funny thing. It makes intentions hard to make out. In one
study of people's reactions to email, people didn't do any better than
random chance at guessing the emotional tone of a message, but 90% of
the time they *thought* they had it right.

jim menning

Michael Kennedy said:
I'm sure he'd be happy to share the pictures if you just ask. Arfa is usually quite
a nice guy.

- Mike

Why don't you try reading the whole thread before throwing your 2 cents in?

jim menning

Michael Kennedy said:
Give him a break. He has went out of his way a few times to help me.. Plus who
cares taht he said "the Americans"... I don't care and I'm american.

- Mike

Why don't you try reading the whole thread before throwing your 2 cents in?