Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Repairman's knot


N Cook

Arfa Daily said:
If I'm reading him correctly Homey, that's not the knot (!) that he's
looking for. I sent him some pictures of the one he wants, but apparently,
no BB, so would take him about a week to d/l
9 meg of photos... I'll perhaps put the pics up on a website somewhere so
that he can see them, poor boy ... d;~}


What is the point of deliberately squandering bandwidth, oh I know, its
because you have broadband, whether filling "email" pipes or "www" pipes.
Assuming it was 9 x1Meg jpegs then 20% area reduction and 30% jpeg purity
would be far more than adequate for this graphics level purpose, so down to
about 30K each.
If anyone should want a high resolution version then that comes later, by
personal arrangement.

Why send, unsolicited/unconfirmed, to some un-notified email account fully
open to the full blast of spam, courtesy of usenet.

Arfa Daily

N Cook said:
What is the point of deliberately squandering bandwidth, oh I know, its
because you have broadband, whether filling "email" pipes or "www" pipes.
Assuming it was 9 x1Meg jpegs then 20% area reduction and 30% jpeg purity
would be far more than adequate for this graphics level purpose, so down
about 30K each.
If anyone should want a high resolution version then that comes later, by
personal arrangement.

Why send, unsolicited/unconfirmed, to some un-notified email account fully
open to the full blast of spam, courtesy of usenet.

Well pardon me for trying to help you. I won't be in the future. Your
response borders on ignorant ...

Tie your cables up with old rope if you prefer.


jim menning

Well pardon me for trying to help you. I won't be in the future. Your response
borders on ignorant ...

Tie your cables up with old rope if you prefer.


You started out in this thread looking like a nice guy, trying to help. You sure
soiled your own image in a hurry.

Why immediately ridicule the original poster because he doesn't have or need a
high-speed internet connection? All anyone wants is that you share your pictures in
a way that is available to all, not just those with a high-speed internet, which BTW
still is NOT available everywhere. Even if everyone had a high-speed connection,
it's still inconsiderate to send images in any resolution form larger than they need

Why don't you post your pictures to a site like Image Shack, which has options to
downsize them? This way everyone, not just the original poster can see what you are
talking about.

C'mon, be a good guy, there are enough jerks around here already.

Homer J Simpson

Well pardon me for trying to help you. I won't be in the future. Your
response borders on ignorant ...

Tie your cables up with old rope if you prefer.

Be fair. In foreign places, you sometimes have to pay by the kilobyte, so
short, small messages are preferred.

David Brodbeck

Arfa said:
Well pardon me for trying to help you. I won't be in the future. Your
response borders on ignorant ...

IMHO, "ignorant" is emailing enormous images straight off a digital
camera when it would only take a few moments to resize them to a smaller
file. But a lot of people are ignorant of how to properly handle
digital photos, so I try not to hold it against them.

Arfa Daily

David Brodbeck said:
IMHO, "ignorant" is emailing enormous images straight off a digital
camera when it would only take a few moments to resize them to a smaller
file. But a lot of people are ignorant of how to properly handle
digital photos, so I try not to hold it against them.

OK folks, here's the bottom line. His response caught me on a bad day. If
you are a regular on this group, you will know that I often go out of my way
to help anyone that has a query that I have a definite answer to, or in some
cases, what I consider to be a useful suggestion. When this person posted
his original question, it was clear that most of the American respondents,
were not quite understanding what it was that he was looking for, suggesting
various methods for strain relieving power cables, and locking them into the
unit, rather than just tidying existingly fitted cables so that nobody would
trip over them. Being from the same country and service background as this
poster, and I suspect of a similar age, I knew *exactly* the knot he was
referring to, so I posted a reply to him, attempting to describe, as best I
could, how it was done. This is not easy so, helpful little soul that I am,
I thought that I would take some pictures for him.

I then went to the trouble to post again, to tell him that I had taken some
pictures for him. Looking at the e-mail address that he had posted from,
although it did not appear to be via a UK based ISP, it never-the-less
appeared to be valid, with no obvious spam trap. However, just in case, I
made that additional post so that he knew to go and look.

Yes, you are right, I could have posted to a web based pictures site, so
that all could look, but I felt that this was a specific enough question
from the OP, that doing so would not be of any particular value to the group
as a whole.

Yes, you are right that I could also have taken the additional time to load
the pictures off the camera into some other program, and cropped them and
reduced their size, although individually, they are not actually
particularly large. However, the OP claims to be a professional repairer, so
it did not occur to me for one moment, that in this day and age, given that
almost all service information is only available for download off the 'net,
and given that many service manuals are at least several megs, and sometimes
several 10s of megs, he would not have a broadband connection for doing
this. I'm pretty sure that a town the size of Southampton does not lack for
a broadband service, unless he is located in some tiny village rural area,
some of which, I agree, still do not have a bb 'net connection service. I
took his subsequent reply - perhaps wrongly - of "no broadband here", to
mean that it was because he didn't *want* such a service, rather than that
it wasn't available.

My problem came after he replied to my efforts by asking why I was
"squandering bandwidth" - as if that actually matters in the grand scheme of
things - and sending " unsolicited mail to an un-notified e-mail account "
as though it was just unwanted spam.

Now if you think that my response to that was out of order, then that's your
opinion, and of course, you are very welcome to it. Maybe it *would* have
only taken a few more moments to resize them, but I resent you calling me
'ignorant' for not doing so. I also resent your suggestion that I do not
know how to "properly handle digital photos". Yes, I could have resized
them, but I have a busy life, and unlike many on here, a life outside of
newsgroups. As it happened, I was in a hurry when I responded to the
original query, as I had an appointment to keep, so did not have those few
moments available at that time.

All it was necessary for the OP to do, was to post a civil reply, or even
come back to me off-group, thanking me for my efforts, and stating that for
whatever reason, he did not have a broadband connection, and asking politely
if I would take the trouble to resend them, or post them elsewhere, or send
them to a different more valid e-mail address, in a smaller format. Instead,
his first reply was a very terse one, stating that if it was me that had
posted the files to him, then they were just going to stay there, and making
more references to spam.

I actually replied quite civily to that one, telling him that it was a pity
that he was not able to access them, as I was pretty sure that they showed
just what he wanted to know. I went on to ask him how he got by as a service
professional, without a bb connection. I asked this as an honest and genuine
question. The reference to "walking with dinosaurs" and the BBC, was an
in-UK tongue in cheek reference to a TV programme, and not intended to be
offensive in any way, as indicated by the winking face I put after it, and
I'm pretty sure would not have been taken as such by anyone in the UK.

So to Jim Menning, and you Mr Brodbeck, if all that makes me "not a good
guy", and one of "the jerks", then sobeit. All I did, as I always do, is
try to help the guy. All I wanted was a civil response. It was only after
the less than polite ( in my opinion ) responses that I received from the
OP, that I got annoyed.

But hey-ho. Bad day now over. Tomorrow's another day ...


jim menning

Arfa Daily said:
So to Jim Menning, and you Mr Brodbeck, if all that makes me "not a good guy", and
one of "the jerks", then sobeit. All I did, as I always do, is try to help the
guy. All I wanted was a civil response. It was only after the less than polite ( in
my opinion ) responses that I received from the OP, that I got annoyed.

But hey-ho. Bad day now over. Tomorrow's another day ...


I gave you the opportunity to prove you were a good guy, and not one of the jerks.

You made an unnecessary reference to "the Americans" in your response here. A more
proper statement would have been that other "well-intentioned responders" were
confused. Rather than drag nationalities into the equation, how about just clearing
up the confusion that you claim exists? Providing the pictures to a common location
could have enlightened all.

But the real bottom line here is: Did you follow up to make the pictures available?

Again, here's the challenge: Prove to us you are the "good guy" as you initially
appeared to be.

Thank you.


jim said:
I gave you the opportunity to prove you were a good guy, and not one of the jerks.

You made an unnecessary reference to "the Americans" in your response here. A more
proper statement would have been that other "well-intentioned responders" were
confused. Rather than drag nationalities into the equation, how about just clearing
up the confusion that you claim exists? Providing the pictures to a common location
could have enlightened all.

But the real bottom line here is: Did you follow up to make the pictures available?

Again, here's the challenge: Prove to us you are the "good guy" as you initially
appeared to be.

Thank you.
Aw geez, Jim. Give him a break. I know that he's responded in a
helpful manner to my requests in the past. His responses to others has
always been respectful and informative. He's a daily poster. He
apologized and explained in depth. What more do you really want?


Arfa Daily

jim menning said:
I gave you the opportunity to prove you were a good guy, and not one of
the jerks.

You made an unnecessary reference to "the Americans" in your response
here. A more proper statement would have been that other
"well-intentioned responders" were confused. Rather than drag
nationalities into the equation, how about just clearing up the confusion
that you claim exists? Providing the pictures to a common location could
have enlightened all.

But the real bottom line here is: Did you follow up to make the pictures

Again, here's the challenge: Prove to us you are the "good guy" as you
initially appeared to be.

Thank you.

Please don't get going on the race issue. I see enough of that rubbish in
this country already.

Someone once made the observation that the UK and America are two countries
divided by a common language, and this would seem to be proving that. I
visit America frequently, and have done for many many years, so I am able to
speak and understand your variety of the language fluently, which is why I
understood that what this UK based poster was asking, was being
misunderstood, by more than one person from your side of the water.

The reference was not unnecessary to the explanation, and I can't understand
how you could possibly take offence at your countrymen being referred to by
the nationality that they are. So let's get that point totally straight,
right off. I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against Americans of any colour, creed,
political persuasion or whatever. I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against the way
that you speak the language. By making the reference in my previous posting,
I intended ABSOLUTELY NOTHING detrimental, to you, or any of your
countrymen. Are we clear on that one now ?

Here are the pictures. They are about 100k each now, and I make no apology
for that. If that is still too much to force down your piece of wet string
in less than an hour, that's not my problem.

Hope you all find it worth it. If any of this makes me not, "one of the good
guys", then I hesitate to think what you must make of some of the ones that
we get on here sometimes, who really aren't, and make a point of being
genuinely offensive ... end result_320x240.jpg first turn_320x240.jpg all turns in place_320x240.jpg loop fed thru_320x240.jpg loop pulled over_320x240.jpg endgame_320x240.jpg


Arfa Daily

jakdedert said:
Aw geez, Jim. Give him a break. I know that he's responded in a helpful
manner to my requests in the past. His responses to others has always
been respectful and informative. He's a daily poster. He apologized and
explained in depth. What more do you really want?


Thanks for the vote of confidence Jak. Appreciated.


N Cook

Arfa Daily said:

Yes, thanks for that.
Certainly neat and a lot easier to undo than the form I was shown and neater
than the sloppy version I use, my initial lock requiring winding 2 turns and
then back over those 2 turns, so lumpy spiral rather than noose-like.

The one I was shown, the plug was right up against the mains inlet point and
the final loop went over the hanks at the extreme point away from the kit,
That final loop he really forced over the hanks , having to squash them all
at the same time with big fingers that he could probably use as Stilsons.
The only way to undo it, without breaking finger nails etc, was to wedge a
screw driver next that final turn to undo it all.

jim menning

jakdedert said:
Aw geez, Jim. Give him a break. I know that he's responded in a helpful manner to
my requests in the past. His responses to others has always been respectful and
informative. He's a daily poster. He apologized and explained in depth. What
more do you really want?


I don't feel I'm being too hard on him. I came into this thread after he had become
hostile, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who was curious to see his pictures to see
exactly what the original poster was asking about. Truthfully, I'd like to see how
his knot differs from the one I had pictured in my mind. And if so many others in
the thread were confused also, wouldn't it be helpful for him to share with all of
us? It's beneficial to all readers to see the outcome, otherwise all responses might
as well be done via email rather than even being discussed here.

jim menning

Arfa Daily said:
Please don't get going on the race issue. I see enough of that rubbish in
this country already.

"Race issue"? First, it was you the mentioned the nationality issue, now you bring
in theterm "race issue"? Where is all this coming from. What race issue?
Someone once made the observation that the UK and America are two countries
divided by a common language, and this would seem to be proving that. I
visit America frequently, and have done for many many years, so I am able to
speak and understand your variety of the language fluently, which is why I
understood that what this UK based poster was asking, was being
misunderstood, by more than one person from your side of the water.

The reference was not unnecessary to the explanation, and I can't understand
how you could possibly take offence at your countrymen being referred to by
the nationality that they are. So let's get that point totally straight,
right off. I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against Americans of any colour, creed,
political persuasion or whatever. I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against the way
that you speak the language. By making the reference in my previous posting,
I intended ABSOLUTELY NOTHING detrimental, to you, or any of your
countrymen. Are we clear on that one now ?

Again, it was only a couple of posters that were trying to help. Their confusion was
as helpful individuals, not as Americans. I see far too many people saying
"Americans this, Americans that" as though we are all one homogenous group. We are
like any other group, one of individuals, not all like-minded.
Here are the pictures. They are about 100k each now, and I make no apology for
that. If that is still too much to force down your piece of wet string in less than
an hour, that's not my problem.

Again a hostile tone from you. I have high-speed cable internet, not a "piece of wet
string". I think your attuitude here has not mellowed at all. You still proudly
display a chip on your shoulder.
Hope you all find it worth it. If any of this makes me not, "one of the good guys",
then I hesitate to think what you must make of some of the ones that we get on here
sometimes, who really aren't, and make a point of being genuinely offensive ...

Funny thing here. I interpreted the OP's question correctly as looking for a cord
wrapping procedure, not a "knot" as referred to in the subject line, and I had looked
for instructions for a similar kind of cord binding, although done customarily with
the plug at the far end from the equipment. I have never seen this done with the
knot at the equipment end, and so I have now been educated. And isn't thast what
this group is for? To share knowledge? It's a shame it's often times so difficult
to accomplish this.

Finally, thank you for posting the pictures to explain the mystery.

Arfa Daily

jim menning said:
"Race issue"? First, it was you the mentioned the nationality issue, now
you bring in theterm "race issue"? Where is all this coming from. What
race issue?

Again, it was only a couple of posters that were trying to help. Their
confusion was as helpful individuals, not as Americans. I see far too
many people saying "Americans this, Americans that" as though we are all
one homogenous group. We are like any other group, one of individuals,
not all like-minded.

Again a hostile tone from you. I have high-speed cable internet, not a
"piece of wet string". I think your attuitude here has not mellowed at
all. You still proudly display a chip on your shoulder.

Funny thing here. I interpreted the OP's question correctly as looking
for a cord wrapping procedure, not a "knot" as referred to in the subject
line, and I had looked for instructions for a similar kind of cord
binding, although done customarily with the plug at the far end from the
equipment. I have never seen this done with the knot at the equipment
end, and so I have now been educated. And isn't thast what this group is
for? To share knowledge? It's a shame it's often times so difficult to
accomplish this.

Finally, thank you for posting the pictures to explain the mystery.
I am not going to reply further to your many points - which I think ideally
illustrate my contention of two countries separated by a common language -
as I see no benefit to the group in pursuing it further by so doing. The
pictures are now posted, in a form that you approve of, and you have now
viewed them, and seem happy to have done so, so that's good. The OP has now
viewed them also, and commented favourably.

I would point out that I have posted on this group for many years, and have
I believe, amply demonstrated my credentials over that time, as being what
*I* would consider to be one of the "good guys".

I have never actually seen you posting on here before, and know nothing
about you, so you will understand that I feel no obligation to justify
myself to you, further than I already have. That said, if you are new to
this group, I have no desire to get off on the wrong foot with you, and if
my mildly sarcastic banter has offended your - or indeed anyone elses -
sensibilities in some way, for that, at least, I apologise.


jim menning

Arfa Daily said:
I have never actually seen you posting on here before, and know nothing about you,
so you will understand that I feel no obligation to justify myself to you, further
than I already have. That said, if you are new to this group, I have no desire to
get off on the wrong foot with you, and if my mildly sarcastic banter has offended
your - or indeed anyone elses - sensibilities in some way, for that, at least, I


Thanks for the pictures, explanations, and apology. I'd like to apologize to you
also for the way this turned into an argument from what should simply have been a
more cooperative and tolerant effort from both sides.

jim menning

John E. end result_320x240.jpg

Thanks so much for posting for the general public. I see it's a slight --
better -- modification on the technique I've used. I like the "push the loop
through" at the end rather than "push the plug through". In USA the plugs are
smaller, but still I like your method.

Thanks again,

John E.

Arfa Daily said:
Thanks for the pictures, explanations, and apology. I'd like to apologize
to you also for the way this turned into an argument from what should
simply have been a more cooperative and tolerant effort from both sides.

jim menning

Well done, both.


John said:
Thanks so much for posting for the general public. I see it's a slight --
better -- modification on the technique I've used. I like the "push the loop
through" at the end rather than "push the plug through". In USA the plugs are
smaller, but still I like your method.

Thanks again,
That's the one I use as well, both for wrapping power cords and for
compact storage of many types of cables. It makes it simple to merely
grab both ends of the cord and just pull, in order to unwrap.

Lately, for certain cables that get wrapped and unwrapped frequently,
I've taken to doubling the cord back on itself, as many times as is
convenient, and tying a simple overhand knot in the entire loop. Much
quicker than the above, and doesn't leave that springy coil at the end.
