My Maytag ('96) range has a problem on the control board which causes a blank display and no oven function. I have traced it to IC ULN2003AN (16 pin, hole mount). By heating up the IC I can get the display to light up and the oven to operate normally. It will stay on until there is a power disruption and then the display goes blank again. I find this IC listed in places like TI and Newark. Can I buy any of the ICs with the correct number or do I have to worry about things like size or other characteristics? I have some experience in electronics but not when it comes to replacing ICs. Also, I would like to socket it but don't know how to find the correct socket. I have tried, without success, to find someone in my area who does component level work because I really don't' have the soldering equipment to replace an IC. I guess I'll have to buy a few things. Better than buying a new stove! Thanks for any help you can provide regarding the purchase of a replacement IC and socket.