Maker Pro
Maker Pro

relay selection



I would like to use a relays to make a 4 x 1 HDTV video switch. Does
it matter what type of relay I should use? I like the coto 9000
series reed relays, but they are more expensive (~$2.00-3.00) than
some other ones I have found. The other ones I have looked at are
some cheap OEG/Tyco relays for about 0.50 each.

I'm thinking the expensive relays are overkill. HDTV bandwidth is
~30-40 MHz so I wouldn't think I need specialized RF relays. Any

Also, do you think it is necessary to terminate the non selected
inputs of the switch or just leave them open? Terminating could
result in less crosstalk or feed-through but is it that much anyways?

any responses are appreciated!

