Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Region of Operation of BJT

My lecturer has bn teasing us with this. In what region of operation will a BJT be operating when Vbe=0? i.e the emitter and base are shorted.Thanks 4 ur replies:)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
How many regions of operation are there and what are they?

What defines these?

The correct answer will be clear.
How many regions of operation are there and what are they?

What defines these?

The correct answer will be clear.

There are four regions. Forward active when Vbe>0 and Vbc<0, Reverse active when Vbe<0 and Vbc>0, Saturation when Vbe>0 and Vbc>0 and Cutoff when Vbe<0 adn Vbc<0.The above is for NPN. The question is a PNP BJT with Veb=0v and Vcb=-3v. The problem is non of the values Vbe's above a definite value(=0), they either greater than or less than.