Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Receiving Pulse-Code Modulation on AM radio at 3 Mhz?



Michael A. Terrell said:
That is a SPL chart with the dB levels referenced to 0 dB SPL =
0.0002 µbar.

errrr,,, excuse me ...but....

<scratches head trying to see>

since when has a fraction of microBar had any effect
on an rf link using any sort of modulation ?


errrr,,, excuse me ...but....
<scratches head trying to see>
since when has a fraction of microBar had any effect
on an rf link using any sort of modulation ? i see where uBars come in...


caryy on.

know code

Brian said:
Just to add to Mike's comment, FEC works by send the same message several
times- in simple terms, in the hope that one with get through correctly.

You may want to read up on Viterbi, Sequential, Turbo Product Codes
(TPC) and Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) forms of FEC to see how they
work and see if that statement still holds true!

It's truly amazing how many errors Turbo codes and LDPC codes can
actually correct even with only an additional 5% of error correction
coding on top of the data stream in some cases!