Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Really Need Advice Making Micro Wind Farm

And I would love you to understand what you're talking about.

It's ironic that you quote my explanation of the mistake you're making, only for you to repeat the same mistake again.

You might want 500Wh per hour, which essentially means an average of 500W.

It is more sensible to talk about an average power (W), or energy per day (Wh or kWh).

I would love to get 1kw per hour and that would cover about 95% of my total energy usage but I would still be ecstatic for 400-700w per hour, of course average.

25kWh (per day) / 24 (hours in the day) = 1,0416Wh~(average per hour) - Would be ideal OR...

400-70Wh (average per hour) x 24 (hours in the day) = 9.6kWh - 16.8kWh (per day)

Now if you still really can't understand what energy I am trying to generate, maybe you could elaborate on why I am wrong, in what I am writing, or correct it, or just continue acting like this is totally blowing your mind, and you are unable to comprehend what I am TRYING to portray to you guys.

Is it right now? or is it still way to confusing to understand? Assuming you really had no idea what I was trying to ask for.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Read the post you quoted second.

W/hour is something akin to miles per hour per hour. If it is a measure of anything, it would be a measure of the rate of change of energy consumption (or generation).

If you use 24kWh per day, then you want to average 1kWh per hour. Alternatively you could say it is an average of 1kW during any given hour. It is watts multiplied by time, not watts divided by time.
The reason Steve is complaining is the you use Wh and W interchangeably, and using W/h, which is nonsense. He explained it, and you continue to do the same. Learn what the units of power and energy are, and what those two things mean, then you will be able to communictate correctly.
