Someone who had good reason to know, that is, not just some bloke in a pub.
Disappointing lack of source-code comparison, in modern pubs.
Mind I once knocked-up a Roman <> Arabic numeral converter in C for a
student I met in one once. Tried to explain it to her with plentiful
notes, no idea. I did quite a nice job for a couple of hours' work.
Perhaps it dragged her average up, to compensate for her utter
ignorance of what she was doing.
No, I've no idea why there were teaching programming to people who
weren't interested.
My mate got to go to a party with her mate, and possibly got off with
her. OTOH mine was the better looking, which doesn't really matter
when nothing happens. Chicks just don't dig programming skills. I get
better results with offers of perversion, or with booze.
"hey let's educate the brutes, we know we are superior to them anyway,
just through genetics, we are gentically superior to the working
class. They are a shaved monkey. If we educate them, they will be able
to read instructions, turn up on time and man the conveyor belts,
sorted." #