Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Radio controlled EMP?????

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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
What do you want to do?

And what do you mean by EMP? (If it's what I think, the thread may get closed real quick unless you have a really new and novel reason)
I am needing a create a small burst Electromagnetic pulse of about 10-15 foot radius and control it from about 100 feet away. I can email you about it if you are an expert at this kind of thing. I am building a project that needs it.
[email protected]
Is this something that is going to get me in trouble? I have been wanting to test a theory for years and am now ready to try it out. Do I need some kind of legal okay for it? I really am new to all this and was simply wondering if it were possible.
Is this something that is going to get me in trouble?

Yes if you damage anyone else's property... And if you are in the US with the new anal aggressive laws you very well could be charged with an act of terrorism if caught...

Do I need some kind of legal okay for it? I really am new to all this and was simply wondering if it were possible.

Maybe, don't know your locality... Chances are good that if you are out in the middle of no where on your own property and have a LEGIT reason for doing a test you will be OK...

But, just the same you will not find any help around here as a vast majority of the use for an EMP is illegal or sinister...
I have a patent pending project that will give me the okay to test it. I am now in need of an Electronics engineer to finish the build. I am located in Utah and am not using it for any kind of terrorist acts. It is a business experiment that I am conducting. I hate to be so vague, but I cannot give too much info without having a confidentiality agreement signed.


ohhh good grief
here we go yet again!!

I hate to be so vague, but I cannot give too much info without having a confidentiality agreement signed.

I'm getting so so sick of that comment

thread locked

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