Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Quiz Time

Here's something that's puzzling me and I'm hoping for some feedback from members that can help.

I have an unknown device (marked as 630 341, it's an SOIC format but about 4mm high) that is configured as shown below. I've assumed the input and output status (it may be reversed but I think it's as-is).

My first thought was that the package has two opto-couplers in it but that's where I'm currently stalled and hoping for some insight, so..... anyone???

Ha.... reckon I've sussed it.

I was fooled by the use of supply lines to the device until I realised that some opto devices have buffer/inverter/amplifiers in place of the actual opto-transistor.

Under those circumstances the outputs are actually open-collector (hence the 2k2Ω pull-up resistors).

Armed with that information I got it localised to the 6N137 and lo and behold the datasheet shows it to be in an SOIC format and around 4mm high!

That was fun! Wish you could have joined me!!! :p:)