Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Quick recommendation on easy-to-interface data logging



Haven't done much hardware lately, but used to do quite a bit. I'm a little
rusty about some low-end interface techniques.

I want to do a data logging application. I will monitor 4 data signals (binary
values), with a sample rate of approximately 1000 samples per second. I need
to collect less than 5000 samples. The signal level will be compatible with
good old TTL logic.

I am looking for a very low cost way to get the data from my sensors (4 single
bit status pins) into a computer. The computer will be running a 32 bit
windows os, most likely XP or 2000. A standard Windows application needs to be
able to read the data, process it, and display an analysis to the user.

The data can go in through the serial port, parallel port, or a USB connection,
but cannot go in through a custom card (low cost remember). I do NOT want to
mess with any drivers that I have to develop myself.

Things I have considered include:
1) simply connecting to the printer port and kludging a way to read the port
under windows (not always reliable).
2) using a microprocessor to collect and store the data, and transmitting the
data from the micro to the PC. Could use serial or USB for this.
3) simply hooking a high speed UART up to the data pins and running the UART
constantly. Then connecting the output of the uart to the serial input of the

Any suggestions?




Each have USB to 24 i/o pins and FTDI drivers included each of these
modules is less than < $100.

Tom Woodrow


Thanks for the suggestion, but I am looking for a cost in the order of a few
bucks. Close to $100.00 is way over budget.

Ken Moffett

Thanks for the suggestion, but I am looking for a cost in the order of a few
bucks. Close to $100.00 is way over budget.

Our shop has sign: "We can do it Quick, Cheap, and Good....But you only
get to choose two." It appears that you are looking for all three, and
that is a rarity.

Frithiof Andreas Jensen

1) simply connecting to the printer port and kludging a way to read the port
under windows (not always reliable).

Should be perfectly Ok, provided your custom driver is!
Any suggestions?

Soundcard - available on any PC and has drivers already - and an encoder to
map 4 bits into distinct voltage levels; i.e. a DAC (or 5 resistors....).
Then decode on the application side. Charge a bundle for the converter box

Leon Heller

Haven't done much hardware lately, but used to do quite a bit. I'm a
rusty about some low-end interface techniques.

I want to do a data logging application. I will monitor 4 data signals
values), with a sample rate of approximately 1000 samples per second. I
to collect less than 5000 samples. The signal level will be compatible
good old TTL logic.

I am looking for a very low cost way to get the data from my sensors (4
bit status pins) into a computer. The computer will be running a 32 bit
windows os, most likely XP or 2000. A standard Windows application needs
to be
able to read the data, process it, and display an analysis to the user.

The data can go in through the serial port, parallel port, or a USB
but cannot go in through a custom card (low cost remember). I do NOT want
mess with any drivers that I have to develop myself.

Things I have considered include:
1) simply connecting to the printer port and kludging a way to read the
under windows (not always reliable).
2) using a microprocessor to collect and store the data, and transmitting
data from the micro to the PC. Could use serial or USB for this.
3) simply hooking a high speed UART up to the data pins and running the
constantly. Then connecting the output of the uart to the serial input of

An MCU transmitting serial data to the PC will probably be easiest and
cheapest - hardware cost about $10 if you make it yourself. You'll have to
write your own software, of course, or pay someone to do it for you.



stick another sound card in the PC and use the LEft,Right channels for
the input.
record the signal .,
with standard sound input recording api calss you can capture and
decode using simple zero crossing detects.
personelly i would program a PIC chip and then have the RS-232
protocol or maybe a HID USB output
the chip can collect the data with its many inputs and thus send it
to your port.
the chip needs to be programmed to do this and you will need to
learn com ASM or alittle C.
or look at the ATmel chips

Rich Grise

An MCU transmitting serial data to the PC will probably be easiest and
cheapest - hardware cost about $10 if you make it yourself. You'll have to
write your own software, of course, or pay someone to do it for you.

No way. The cheapest is just stick the 4 bits to the 4 status bits of the
LPT port. If you can find the DLL for cheap/free. Parts cost: $0.00. ;-)
You can still run DOS apps in the command window, but I don't know about
getting exclusive access to the LPT port.

Or with Linux, you can do anything you want to. :)
