Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Questions about equivalents of audio/video and digital/analog.


Ron N.

What would you write into that "RAM"? There are no analog bits.

Well, some types of RAM bits are stored as analog voltages
on a MOS gate capacitor. I think old CCD devices could
output some measure of the voltage per bit cell. Or you
could consider the charge digital if you could count the
number of electrons in each well.

Jerry Avins

Bob said:
... you must sample the
original signal at a rate equal to at least twice its bandwidth (actually,
very slightly higher, to avoid a particular degenerate case which
could occur at EXACTLY 2X the bandwidth) in order to preserve
the information in the original and avoid "aliasing."


The degenerate case is just a limit. Signals close to the band edge take
a long time to be resolved. The time is of the order if 1/|f-F|, where F
is the frequency of the nearer band edge. Just as it takes in the order
of 100 seconds to resolve a frequency of .01 Hz, it takes the same time
to resolve a frequency of Fs/2 - .01 Hz. When f = Fs/2, it just takes
forever. The real works tends to be continuous.


Stanislaw Flatto

Radium said:
Audio IS mechanical so something has to move.

Then how is it possible for a digital audio device [like an iPod] to
play audio back w/out moving a disc or tape? There is a digital chip
storing info and playback does not require moving anything. Just how
is this possible? If it works in digital, why can't it work in analog?
And exactly what DO you hear when those signals run their "magic"?

I have analog audio tapes yet from the night the King passed away and
they are respectfully silent till somehow directed toward 'moving' membrane.
So what does this prove?


Jerry Avins

Ron said:
Well, some types of RAM bits are stored as analog voltages
on a MOS gate capacitor. I think old CCD devices could
output some measure of the voltage per bit cell. Or you
could consider the charge digital if you could count the
number of electrons in each well.

You need to sample to do that. If you sample, it isn't analog any more.
Not all sampled signals are quantized, but they're all subject to the
sampling theorem.


Dave Platt

Radium said:
I'm curious to why there are no purely-analog devices which can
record, store, and playback electric audio signals [AC currents at
least 20 Hz but no more than 20,000 Hz] without having moving parts.
Most of those voice recorders that use chips [i.e. solid-state] are
digital. Analog voice recorders, OTOH, use cassettes [an example of
"moving parts"].

The fact that it's an AC (inherently-varying) signal being recorded,
means that *something* has to move... if only some amount of
electrical charge. If the electrons don't move, the output can't vary
and all you have is a DC voltage.

And, in fact, this concept of moving electrical charges is the basis
for one type of analog signal storage and playback device which has no
moving (mechanical) parts... the CCD, or Charge Coupled Device. It
consists of a large number of charge storage devices (typically MOSFET
transistors with dielectrically-isolated gates) hooked up as a sort of
shift register or "bucket brigade". Each gate stores a charge which
is proportional to the input signal present at a given moment in time.
Several thousand times per second, a clock pulse causes each storage
cell to generate an output voltage proportional to the charge in its
storage gate, and then to "capture" onto its gate the signal being
presented by the previous gate in the chain.

In effect, the signal is propagated down the chain at a rate
proportional to the clock rate.

Why aren't these devices used more than they are? They're not very
efficient, and they're noisy. Every time the charge is copied from
one cell to the next, a bit of imprecision (noise) creeps in... so the
fidelity isn't great. And, because the device has to be able to hold
a very wide range of charges (since the charge is directly
proportional to the signal level) the storage gates have to be fairly

The net result is that an audio CCD is capable of storing a
decent-quality signal for only a few tens or hundreds of milliseconds,
from input to output.

Another sort of a purely analog signal-storage device, with no moving
parts other than the electrons which convey the signal, is a simple
length of transmission line (with perhaps some amplifiers mid-way).
Put a signal in at one end, get the same signal back out the other end
some number of microseconds or milliseconds later.

Once again, they're not terribly efficient and are prone to be noisy.

For storage of large amounts of information, in a small space, with
high fidelity, using digital storage techniques is much more
efficient - largely because each storage cell must only store 2
different information states (0 and 1) rather than a large number of
possible levels.


Radium wrote:
2. Decreasing the spatial frequency of the images in the video-signal
without low-pass filtering the images or increasing their sizes. An
example of this would be making the sharp areas of an image look
duller without decreasing the "sharpness" setting [an example of low-
pass filtering] on the monitor or increasing the size of the image.
Normally, when the size of an image is decreased, its sharpness
increases [it's like compressing a lower-frequency sound wave into a
higher-frequency one]. Likewise, when the size of an image is
increased, it looks duller [like stretching a higher-frequency sound
wave into a lower-frequency one]. Low-pass filtering simply decreasing
the sharpness of an image while increasing its dull characteristics --
which is what I don't want.
That's a reasonable summary of what you don't want to do. What do you
think you might do instead?

The video-equivalent of changing the 'pitch' of audio recording
without changing the playback speed.
#1 Decreases the rate at which objects in the video move without
decreasing the video's playback speed or eliminating originally-
rapidly-moving objects [such as the rapidly flapping wings]
Something has to give. If the flapping of the wings is slowed, so is the
motion of everything else.

The motion of 'everything else' *is* slowed. However, the playback
speed remains constant.

Repetitive or cyclical motion (such as a ball bouncing, or a wagon
wheel rotating, or a bird-flapping its wings, or an exposed model of a
piston engine operating, or a flag waving in the wind) in the movie
are slowed without lengthening the clip.

Sorry that should read "makes a still image less sharp by stretching
everything within the image without increasing the size of the image
or eliminating sharp portions of the original image"

My bad.

Anyways, this is an original picture:

This is how the picture looks after low-pass filtering -- YUK!:

I don't want low-pass filtering. I simply want all frequencies to be
downshifted similar to decreasing the pitch of audio without slowing
the playback speed. The analogy is lower the frequencies of all
components in the image w/out increasing the size of the image or
doing any low-pass filtering.
Says who? You're reasoning from false analogy again.

How is it false?


Sampled analog systems are certainly
not very common today (unless you count certain forms of
modulation as "sampling," and in fact there are some very close
parallels there), but the theory remains the same no matter which
form of encoding is used. In any event, you must sample the
original signal at a rate equal to at least twice its bandwidth (actually,
very slightly higher, to avoid a particular degenerate case which
could occur at EXACTLY 2X the bandwidth) in order to preserve
the information in the original and avoid "aliasing."

Is the CCD [Charge Coupled Device] a "sampled analog system"?

Jerry Avins

Radium said:
Radium wrote:
2. Decreasing the spatial frequency of the images in the video-signal
without low-pass filtering the images or increasing their sizes. An
example of this would be making the sharp areas of an image look
duller without decreasing the "sharpness" setting [an example of low-
pass filtering] on the monitor or increasing the size of the image.
Normally, when the size of an image is decreased, its sharpness
increases [it's like compressing a lower-frequency sound wave into a
higher-frequency one]. Likewise, when the size of an image is
increased, it looks duller [like stretching a higher-frequency sound
wave into a lower-frequency one]. Low-pass filtering simply decreasing
the sharpness of an image while increasing its dull characteristics --
which is what I don't want.
That's a reasonable summary of what you don't want to do. What do you
think you might do instead?

The video-equivalent of changing the 'pitch' of audio recording
without changing the playback speed.

That's just arm-waving words. Describe the result, not as an analogy,
but as a specification. If it turns out that you can't think critically
after all, I have no time for you.
#1 Decreases the rate at which objects in the video move without
decreasing the video's playback speed or eliminating originally-
rapidly-moving objects [such as the rapidly flapping wings]
Something has to give. If the flapping of the wings is slowed, so is the
motion of everything else.

The motion of 'everything else' *is* slowed. However, the playback
speed remains constant.

Explain how everything can slow town without increasing the time to
complete a motion. Sounds have duration and pitch. motion has no analog
of pitch in that sense. Describe the result you want, not "something
like" the result.
Repetitive or cyclical motion (such as a ball bouncing, or a wagon
wheel rotating, or a bird-flapping its wings, or an exposed model of a
piston engine operating, or a flag waving in the wind) in the movie
are slowed without lengthening the clip.

Tell me again how the crankshaft can take run one fifth speed without
using more time to make a turn.
Sorry that should read "makes a still image less sharp by stretching
everything within the image without increasing the size of the image
or eliminating sharp portions of the original image"

Tell me again how everything in an image can be stretched to double size
without making the image twice as big.

You betcha.

Fine detail (and noise) is gone.
I don't want low-pass filtering. I simply want all frequencies to be
downshifted similar to decreasing the pitch of audio without slowing
the playback speed. The analogy is lower the frequencies of all
components in the image w/out increasing the size of the image or
doing any low-pass filtering.

Justify why you think that images and sounds are subject to the same
How is it false?

Images have no visual equivalent of pitch. Pitch is temporal. Images are

Here's the deal: From now on, I'll only answer your technical questions
if you make a good effort to state all the assumptions behind it. I'll
work with you to get the assumptions out into the open, but I won't
answer a question until the assumptions are clear. Most of your
questions are so far into fantasy that the assumptions, once made
explicit, will likely seem contradictory even to you, and the question
will go away. E.g.: Don't ask me to explain the meaning of life without
our first establishing that life has a meaning.


Jerry Avins

Radium said:
Sampled analog systems are certainly
not very common today (unless you count certain forms of
modulation as "sampling," and in fact there are some very close
parallels there), but the theory remains the same no matter which
form of encoding is used. In any event, you must sample the
original signal at a rate equal to at least twice its bandwidth (actually,
very slightly higher, to avoid a particular degenerate case which
could occur at EXACTLY 2X the bandwidth) in order to preserve
the information in the original and avoid "aliasing."

Is the CCD [Charge Coupled Device] a "sampled analog system"?




The fact that it's an AC (inherently-varying) signal being recorded,
means that *something* has to move... if only some amount of
electrical charge. If the electrons don't move, the output can't vary
and all you have is a DC voltage.

By "moving parts" I mean mechanical parts. Not electrons.
And, in fact, this concept of moving electrical charges is the basis
for one type of analog signal storage and playback device which has no
moving (mechanical) parts... the CCD, or Charge Coupled Device. It
consists of a large number of charge storage devices (typically MOSFET
transistors with dielectrically-isolated gates) hooked up as a sort of
shift register or "bucket brigade". Each gate stores a charge which
is proportional to the input signal present at a given moment in time.
Several thousand times per second, a clock pulse causes each storage
cell to generate an output voltage proportional to the charge in its
storage gate, and then to "capture" onto its gate the signal being
presented by the previous gate in the chain.

In effect, the signal is propagated down the chain at a rate
proportional to the clock rate.

Is CCD a form of analog non-volatile RAM?
Why aren't these devices used more than they are? They're not very
efficient, and they're noisy. Every time the charge is copied from
one cell to the next, a bit of imprecision (noise) creeps in... so the
fidelity isn't great. And, because the device has to be able to hold
a very wide range of charges (since the charge is directly
proportional to the signal level) the storage gates have to be fairly

I wonder how a PC would perform if it used CCDs in place of digital
storage devices. Lots of errors.
The net result is that an audio CCD is capable of storing a
decent-quality signal for only a few tens or hundreds of milliseconds,
from input to output.

What is the highest frequency an audio CCD can input and output? My
guess is 0.5x the clock rate.
Another sort of a purely analog signal-storage device, with no moving
parts other than the electrons which convey the signal, is a simple
length of transmission line (with perhaps some amplifiers mid-way).

Where is the "storage" in this device?
Put a signal in at one end, get the same signal back out the other end
some number of microseconds or milliseconds later.

Where is the signal being stored?

Jerry Avins

Dave said:
Radium said:
I'm curious to why there are no purely-analog devices which can
record, store, and playback electric audio signals [AC currents at
least 20 Hz but no more than 20,000 Hz] without having moving parts.
Most of those voice recorders that use chips [i.e. solid-state] are
digital. Analog voice recorders, OTOH, use cassettes [an example of
"moving parts"].

The fact that it's an AC (inherently-varying) signal being recorded,
means that *something* has to move... if only some amount of
electrical charge. If the electrons don't move, the output can't vary
and all you have is a DC voltage.

And, in fact, this concept of moving electrical charges is the basis
for one type of analog signal storage and playback device which has no
moving (mechanical) parts... the CCD, or Charge Coupled Device. It
consists of a large number of charge storage devices (typically MOSFET
transistors with dielectrically-isolated gates) hooked up as a sort of
shift register or "bucket brigade". Each gate stores a charge which
is proportional to the input signal present at a given moment in time.
Several thousand times per second, a clock pulse causes each storage
cell to generate an output voltage proportional to the charge in its
storage gate, and then to "capture" onto its gate the signal being
presented by the previous gate in the chain.

In effect, the signal is propagated down the chain at a rate
proportional to the clock rate.

Why aren't these devices used more than they are? They're not very
efficient, and they're noisy. Every time the charge is copied from
one cell to the next, a bit of imprecision (noise) creeps in... so the
fidelity isn't great. And, because the device has to be able to hold
a very wide range of charges (since the charge is directly
proportional to the signal level) the storage gates have to be fairly

The net result is that an audio CCD is capable of storing a
decent-quality signal for only a few tens or hundreds of milliseconds,
from input to output.

Another sort of a purely analog signal-storage device, with no moving
parts other than the electrons which convey the signal, is a simple
length of transmission line (with perhaps some amplifiers mid-way).
Put a signal in at one end, get the same signal back out the other end
some number of microseconds or milliseconds later.

Once again, they're not terribly efficient and are prone to be noisy.

For storage of large amounts of information, in a small space, with
high fidelity, using digital storage techniques is much more
efficient - largely because each storage cell must only store 2
different information states (0 and 1) rather than a large number of
possible levels.

Come on, Dave, a CCD is a digital device, subject to aliasing. The
charges represent the signal at a particular instant of its average over
a particular interval. (My CCD digital camera can take time exposures.)
A CCD's content may not be quantized in amount, but it is quantized in
time. In a camera, where the charges pertain to individual pixels, the
result is also quantized in space.


Dave Platt

Come on, Dave, a CCD is a digital device, subject to aliasing. The
charges represent the signal at a particular instant of its average over
a particular interval. (My CCD digital camera can take time exposures.)
A CCD's content may not be quantized in amount, but it is quantized in
time. In a camera, where the charges pertain to individual pixels, the
result is also quantized in space.

"Digital" and "subject to aliasing" are two different things.

As I believe the term "digital" is usually meant, it implies a
two-state (on/off) storage representation. It's not just that the
signal amplitude is quantized, but that the quantization uses a
power-of-two representation and storage system of some sort.

In that sense, an audio CCD uses a digital clocking structure to move
the charge along, but uses a non-digital system for representing the
signal level (a linear number of electrons). Yes, it's quantized in
time, and the electron charges themselves are quantized... but I don't
think that either of these qualifies it as "digital".

"Analog" is a very fuzzy and imprecise term, and I think that a CCD
can reasonably be called an analog system.

Even audio cassette tape is quantized in both time and amplitude, at
the level of the individual magnetic domains in the oxide or metal


Radium wrote:
That's just arm-waving words. Describe the result, not as an analogy,
but as a specification. If it turns out that you can't think critically
after all, I have no time for you.

The purpose of this visual "pitch-shifting" is like a way to record/
playback/transmit/receive/store supreme-quality video while using the
least bandwidth and storage space necessary when low-pass filtering is
not an option.

Using this video frequency-shifting, a high-quality video can be
stored in an extremely slow moving video-cassette with limited amount
of tape. Due to the video-tape's extremely slow speed the temporal and
spatial frequencies of the incoming video signals must be downshifted
in order to be encoded at such slow speeds. Due to the limited length
of film in the cassette, the movie must not be made longer than what
it originally is. Due to other inadequacies in the film, the spatial-
frequency must also be decreased, but the image size must not
Explain how everything can slow town without increasing the time to
complete a motion. Sounds have duration and pitch. motion has no analog
of pitch in that sense. Describe the result you want, not "something
like" the result.

A 2 hour high-quality movie should be able to be stored in device with
limited high-frequency response and limited amount of storage space.
There should be absolutely no aliasing -- temporal or spatial - but at
the same time, the length of the movie should not be increased, sizes
of objects in images should not increase, image size should not
increase and no low-pass filtering should be used.
Tell me again how the crankshaft can take run one fifth speed without
using more time to make a turn.

I wish I knew. This 'pitch-shifting' is a lot more confusing than I
thought. Yet I still find it so interesting. Sorry.
Tell me again how everything in an image can be stretched to double size
without making the image twice as big.

Nothing in the image has its size increased. They are simply smoothed

This is similar to a graph of digital audio in Adobe Audition. You
decrease the pitch of the audio in the file by half [without changing
the tempo] and the waves in the graph will appear twice as long but
without increasing the horizontal length of the graph.
Justify why you think that images and sounds are subject to the same

The less sample rate you have in digital audio, the lower the
frequency of the audio must be in order to prevent aliasing. There
isn't enough bandwidth to include the higher-pitches.

Similarly an imaging device with insufficient spatial bandwidth will
result in image distortion if excessively fine detail is put into the

Hence, if you want to get decent imagery in a low-bandwidth imaging
device, your best bet is to decrease the spatial frequency because
transferring it into the imaging device.

Just like if you have an 11.025-KHz-sample-rate digital audio device,
you need to make sure the pitch of the audio you are inputting into
the device does not exceed 5.5125 KHz.
Images have no visual equivalent of pitch. Pitch is temporal. Images are

Spatial frequency is how fine or dull an image is. Pitch is determined
by audio frequency. I am using the spatial frequency as an analogy.


[Followup-to: set]

Is CCD a form of analog non-volatile RAM?

No, it's quite volatile; more like dynamic RAM.

A major problem with any form of analogue "RAM" is that the stored "value"
will degenerate over time. A digital circuit can regenerate its contents,
either continuously (like static RAM) or periodically (like dynamic RAM),
but you can't do that for an analogue value.
I wonder how a PC would perform if it used CCDs in place of digital
storage devices. Lots of errors.

With an analogue quantity, it isn't a case of error or no error; it's a
case of how much error. There's always *some* error.
Where is the "storage" in this device?

The capacitance and inductance of the transmission line.
Where is the signal being stored?

See above.

Jerry Avins

Dave said:
"Digital" and "subject to aliasing" are two different things.

As I believe the term "digital" is usually meant, it implies a
two-state (on/off) storage representation. It's not just that the
signal amplitude is quantized, but that the quantization uses a
power-of-two representation and storage system of some sort.

I can buy that, but it's not how I would have used the term. I call a
two-state representation "binary". A storage system that is clocked is
subject to most of the restrictions and permits most of the useful
techniques of digital signal processing. Early transversal filters used
op-amps, with the coefficients being set by the resistor values.
In that sense, an audio CCD uses a digital clocking structure to move
the charge along, but uses a non-digital system for representing the
signal level (a linear number of electrons). Yes, it's quantized in
time, and the electron charges themselves are quantized... but I don't
think that either of these qualifies it as "digital".

I agree to use your term for the sake of this discussion.
"Analog" is a very fuzzy and imprecise term, and I think that a CCD
can reasonably be called an analog system.

Yet I'd lay a bet that you call the pictures made by means of a CCD
image sensor "digital".
Even audio cassette tape is quantized in both time and amplitude, at
the level of the individual magnetic domains in the oxide or metal

Oh, sure. In that case, the crystal radio that I built in the 40s was
digital too. The electrons came down the antenna one at a time even if
closely spaced. We need to draw a line somewhere, and I don't like the
idea of calling a flashlight a digital photonic device.

There are in principle purely analog storage devices. A loop of analog
delay line with a repeater in it qualifies. A memory based on that
principle was used to store digital signals in an early computer, even
though the device itself is analog. It used an acoustic delay in a
column of mercury.


Don Pearce

"Digital" and "subject to aliasing" are two different things.

As I believe the term "digital" is usually meant, it implies a
two-state (on/off) storage representation. It's not just that the
signal amplitude is quantized, but that the quantization uses a
power-of-two representation and storage system of some sort.

My reading of the possible systems goes like this.

analogue - a continuous representation of the original signal
sampled - a representation of the signal at discrete time points
quantized - a sampled signal, but with the possible levels constrained
to a limited set of values
digital - a quantized signal, with the individual levels represented
by numbers

Aliasing is going to happen as soon as you move beyond the first line
of that list.


Jerry Avins

Radium said:
The purpose of this visual "pitch-shifting" is like a way to record/
playback/transmit/receive/store supreme-quality video while using the
least bandwidth and storage space necessary when low-pass filtering is
not an option.

If you have a purpose in mind, you must have a pretty good idea of what
it does. If you can make that clear, we might have something to discuss.
Using this video frequency-shifting, a high-quality video can be
stored in an extremely slow moving video-cassette with limited amount
of tape. Due to the video-tape's extremely slow speed the temporal and
spatial frequencies of the incoming video signals must be downshifted
in order to be encoded at such slow speeds. Due to the limited length
of film in the cassette, the movie must not be made longer than what
it originally is. Due to other inadequacies in the film, the spatial-
frequency must also be decreased, but the image size must not

More arm waving. Tell me how you think it might be accomplished. (Hint:
it sounds like nonsense to me. One of those revelatory dreams that seem
so clear until I wake up.
A 2 hour high-quality movie should be able to be stored in device with
limited high-frequency response and limited amount of storage space.
There should be absolutely no aliasing -- temporal or spatial - but at
the same time, the length of the movie should not be increased, sizes
of objects in images should not increase, image size should not
increase and no low-pass filtering should be used.

"Should" is an interesting word. It can prescribe and it can express an
expectation or desire. In this case, your desire is contrary to my
I wish I knew. This 'pitch-shifting' is a lot more confusing than I
thought. Yet I still find it so interesting. Sorry.

Don't be sorry. If you work out the details, I'll help you to see the
inherent contradictions they impose, but I won't argue with you about it.
Tell me again how everything in an image can be stretched to double size
without making the image twice as big.

Nothing in the image has its size increased. They are simply smoothed

This is similar to a graph of digital audio in Adobe Audition. You
decrease the pitch of the audio in the file by half [without changing
the tempo] and the waves in the graph will appear twice as long but
without increasing the horizontal length of the graph.
Justify why you think that images and sounds are subject to the same

The less sample rate you have in digital audio, the lower the
frequency of the audio must be in order to prevent aliasing. There
isn't enough bandwidth to include the higher-pitches.

Similarly an imaging device with insufficient spatial bandwidth will
result in image distortion if excessively fine detail is put into the

That's true only if you mean spatial aliasing. Otherwise, you're using
"distortion" in a non-standard way.
Hence, if you want to get decent imagery in a low-bandwidth imaging
device, your best bet is to decrease the spatial frequency because
transferring it into the imaging device.

More nonsense. Think about it and tell me why.
Just like if you have an 11.025-KHz-sample-rate digital audio device,
you need to make sure the pitch of the audio you are inputting into
the device does not exceed 5.5125 KHz.

How does that make for "decent imagery? It amounts to a low-pass filter,
about which you remarked, "ugh".
Spatial frequency is how fine or dull an image is. Pitch is determined
by audio frequency. I am using the spatial frequency as an analogy.

Stop with analogies. Say what you mean.

Here's the picture of you that I have in my head: You were a precocious
kid, and impressed those around by asking questions that were further
out than what most kids asked. (Reading a lot leads one to do that.) The
adults around you patted you on the head and praised you for digging
into subjects they knew little or nothing about.* They knew so little
about it that they didn't understand much of what you talked about, and
so couldn't set you back on the rails when you wandered away from
reality. No matter, the praise kept coming anyway, and you learned that
if you imagined something, it was golden. It wasn't really, but those
around you taught you to believe that it was. Now you find yourself
going on about your imaginings with people who _do_ understand the
subject you fantasize about and their reaction hurts, but you're finding
it very hard to get out of bullshit mode and ask basic questions. It
hasn't sunk in yet that you don't even have basic answers because you
still believe that the fantasies you construct are real. I hope you get
over that. In the meanwhile, I feel sorry for you.

* From Gilbert and Sullivan's /Patience/: "If this young man expresses
himself in terms too deep for me/ Why what a very singularly deep young
man/ This deep young man must be" Your type has been mocked a long time.

Martin Heffels

If a digital audio device can play audio back without
any moving parts, why can't an analog audio device be designed to do
the same?

Because if it could, there would be no need to invent digital which has the
advantage of non-moving parts....................


Martin Heffels

Another sort of a purely analog signal-storage device, with no moving
parts other than the electrons which convey the signal, is a simple
length of transmission line

Here is a better one: transmit the analogue system to the sun, and you have
16 minute, once-of storage. If you want to save your recording for a longer
time, you can pick more planets and stars, further away, and bounce your
radiosignal off them. It is obviously not random-access, but it is very


Jerry Avins

Don said:
My reading of the possible systems goes like this.

analogue - a continuous representation of the original signal
sampled - a representation of the signal at discrete time points
quantized - a sampled signal, but with the possible levels constrained
to a limited set of values
digital - a quantized signal, with the individual levels represented
by numbers

Aliasing is going to happen as soon as you move beyond the first line
of that list.

I like your categories. It is possible in concept to have a signal that
is quantized in magnitude and continuous in time, but (unless we resort
to counting electrons) I don't think it's possible in practice.
