Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Pumping Liquid Nitrogen


Guy Macon

Rich said:
How about two dewars? One gets filled while the other drains onto
the heat sink.

*There's* that Rich Grise thinking out of the box that we all
know and love! As with most great ideas, my first thought was
that I should have thought of that -- but I didn't. :(

The one being filled can be vented to the room. No back
pressure. The one cooling the CPU can be vented through
a standard pneumatic pressure regulator, and thus the 2nd
dewar will self-pressurize to achieve whatever flow rate
I choose. Even the switching is easy; there are many
small hydraulic valves with teflon interiors that can
handle liquid Nitrogen.

Brilliant! Somebody give that man a $200,000 a year job
inventing things... :)

Guy Macon

Rich said:
Would using the exhaust N2 enhance the operation of the genny?
It's sure to be quite cold, you know. :)

....and the N2 generator has to strip out the O2, CO2 and H2O,
so feeding it dry, cold N2 gas instead of air would seem to
be something it would like. I wonder if a watt-meter on the
power cord will register a difference?

Guy Macon

Rich said:
LN2 drip ========
______ || ______
| | || | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | cold N2 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |~~~~~~~~~| |
| | | |
| | | |
| | LN2 | |
| | | |
| | | | <- Styrofoam
| | | |
_______| | | |_______
| | | |
| | CPU | |
| | ======= | |
==================================================== PCB
| |
| | <- more Styrofoam
| |

*Another* simple solution that will work great?

Better make sure that brain of yours is properly cooled.. :)