Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Pump Running Indication Revisited


Charlie J

Thanks Larry and Meindert for your help...but being somewhat solid state
challenged, I need some more...

The "fuse resistor" threw me so I went to DigiKey and tried a search...came
up empty. I had an online chat with DigiKey's Tech Support and he directed
me to a PolySwitch Resettable Device; specifically their p/n RXE065-ND found
on page 1060 of the online catalogue. It appears to me that this will do
the job...your suggestions?

Secondly, I searched for a 2N2222 on DigiKey and found that it is
"Obsolete"...Tech Support at DigiKey could not find a cross to another
transistor. Larry, when you suggest "...any common NPN transistor..." what
characteristics am I most concerned about in finding a replacement for the


The real Andy

Charlie J said:
Thanks Larry and Meindert for your help...but being somewhat solid state
challenged, I need some more...

The "fuse resistor" threw me so I went to DigiKey and tried a search...came
up empty. I had an online chat with DigiKey's Tech Support and he directed
me to a PolySwitch Resettable Device; specifically their p/n RXE065-ND found
on page 1060 of the online catalogue. It appears to me that this will do
the job...your suggestions?

Secondly, I searched for a 2N2222 on DigiKey and found that it is
"Obsolete"...Tech Support at DigiKey could not find a cross to another
transistor. Larry, when you suggest "...any common NPN transistor..." what
characteristics am I most concerned about in finding a replacement for the

Any general purpose switching transistor will do. A BC547 or a BC327 will do
the trick. The ultimate choice of transistor will depend on where you live
or who you talk to which makes it quite difficult.

Fuse resistor, with out looking at the origonal circuit, i would be tempted
to just use a standard fuse. You might not get enough voltage dropped across
a standard fuse for the particular application. If not, just use any old
resistor rated at a few Watts.