Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Proposed Assembler Commands


Mike Monett

To All,

Microprocessors have become so simple that it seems anyone can program
them nowadays. But think of what it was like when the first processors
came out and you had to program around noisy circuits and unreliable

For example, here is a list of assembler commands that emulate the
performance of the first computers. (They were found in old Deja View

Assembler Commands:


AAAH Add And Automatically Halt
AAC Alter All Commands
AAN Add Ad Nauseam
AAR Alter At Random
AARTZ Add And Reset To Zero
AB Add Backwards
ACM Automatically Clear Memory
ADG Add Garbage
AIB Attack Innocent Bystander
ARRN Add and Reset to Random Number
AWTT Assemble With Tinker Toys
BAC Branch to Alpha Centauri
BAF Blow All Fuses
BAFL Branch And Flush
BAH Branch And Hang
BB Branch on Bug
BBBF Branch on Bit Bucket Full
BBC Branch Before Compare
BBIL Branch on Blown Indicator Light
BBL Branch on Burnt Out Light
BBO Branch on Bathtub Overflow
BBT Branch on Binary Tree
BBW Branch Both Ways
BCF Branch on chip box full
BCH Branch on carry flag at half mast
BCIL Branch Creating Infinite Loop
BD Backspace Disk
BDC Break Down and Cry
BDT Burn Data Tree
BEW Branch Either Way
BF Belch Fire
BFA Branch to False Assumption
BH Branch and Hang
BKCRDR Backspace Card Reader
BKO Branch and Kill Operator
BKSPD Backspace Disk
BKTPIR Break Tape In Reverse
BLI Branch if Loop Infinite
BLMNF BLow Main Fuse
BLPIN Branch and Loop Indefinite
BMR Branch Multiple Registers
BOB Branch On Bug
BOBI Branch On Blinking Indicator
BOBOI Branch On Blown Indicator
BOCBF Branch On Chip-Box Full
BOD Beat On Drum
BOHP Bribe Operator for Higher Priority
BOI Byte Operator Immediately
BOPLT Burn Out Pilot Lights
BOPO Branch On Power Off
BOSO Branch On Sleepy Operator
BOXMS Branch On Index Missing
BPB Branch on Program Bug
BPDI Be Polite, Don't Interrupt
BPE Bypass Program Error
BPECK Bypass Error Check
BPM Branch on the Phase of the Moon
BPO Branch on Power Off
BRPCB Burp and Clear Bytes
BRSS Branch on Sunspot
BS Branch Sometimes
BSC Branch on Short Circuit
BSCH Break Selected Channel
BSO Branch on sleepy operator
BST Backspace and Stretch Tape
BTI Blow Trumpet Immediately
BW Branch on Whim
BYCRE Bypass Core
CBS Crash Bothersome Source-code
CDC Close Disk Cover
CDHI Crash Disk Head Immediate
CDIOOAZ Calm Down, It's Only Ones And Zeroes
CEMU Close Eyes and Monkey With User Space
CH Creat Havoc
CIRM Circulate Memory
CLBR Clobber Register
CLBRI Clobber Register Immediately
CM Circulate Memory
CMBG Create Machine Bug
CMD Compare Meaningless Data
CML Compute Meaning of Life
CNB Cause Nervous Breakdown
CNFM Confuse Memory
CNFOP Confuse Operator
COLB Crash for Operator's Lunch Break
CPAR Crumple Paper and Rip
CPB Create Program Bug
CRASH Continue Running After Stop or Halt
CRB Crash and Burn
CRDT CReate Data
CRE Create Random Error
CRN Convert to Roman Numerals
CS Crash System
CSL Curse and Swear Loudly
CTRNS Convert To Roman Numerals
CU Convert to Unary
CUN Cancel all User Numbers
CVG Convert to Garbage
CVUME Cover Up Machine Errors
CWOM Complement Write-Only Memory
CZZC Convert Zone to Zip Code
DAC Divide and Crash
DADL Disable Address and Data Lines
DAMIT Transfer Control to Perdition
DAO Divide and Overflow
DAX Divide and Explode
DBTP Drop Back Ten and Punt
DBZ Divide By Zero
DC Divide and Conquer
DCTCB Dump Core To Chad Box
DD Destroy disk
DDC Dally During Calculations
DMWH Dump Map of Western Hemisphere
DESSPK Destroy Storage Protect Key
DEVIA Develop Ineffective Address
DITCK Drop Into Check
DLN Don't Look Now...
DLTCR Delete Core
DMNS Do What I Mean, Not What I Say
DMPE Decide to Major in Phys Ed.
DMPK Destroy Memory Protect Key
DMV Double Mains Voltage
DNPG Do Not Pass Go
DO Divide and Overflow
DOC Drive Operator Crazy
DPGM Destroy Program
DPK Destroy Storage Protect Key
DPMI Declare Programmer Mentally Incompetent
DRPBTS Drop Bits
DSTME Destroy Memory
DTC Destroy This Command
DTE Decrement Telephone Extension
DTVFL Destroy Third Variable From Left
DW Destroy World
DZSR Divide by Zero and Store Remainder
EBB Edit and Blank Buffer
ECO Electrocute Computer Operator
ECP Erase card punch
ED Eject disk
EDB Execute Disable Bit
EDPMAB Electrocute DP Manager And Branch
EFD Emulate Frisbee Using Disk Pack
EIAO Execute In Any Order
EIOC Execute Invalid Opcode
EIS Encrypt Instruction Set
EJCAB Eject Chad Box
EJD Eject Disk
EMCP Eject Math Co-processor
EMPC Emulate Pocket Calculator
EMSE Edit and Mark Something Else
EMW Emulate Maytag Washer
EN Emulate Nintendo
ENF Emit Noxious Fumes
EP Execute Programmer
EPE Execute Program Error
EPI Execute Programmer Immediately
EPMAS Erase Protected Memory Areas
ERCDP Erase Card Punch
ERCDS Erase Cards
ERD Eject Removable Disk
EROS Erase Read-Only Storage
ERPTW Erase Print Wheel
ERROS Erase Read Only Storage
ETCRD Eat Card
EXIOC Execute Invalid Op Code
EXOP Execute Operator
EXOPI Execute Operator Immediately
FDCDJ Feed Card and Jam
FLI Flash Lights Impressively
FSG Fill Screen with Garbage
FSM Fold, Spindle and Mutilate
GCAR Get Correct Answer Regardless
GDP Grin Defiantly at Programmer
GFD Go Forth and Divide
GFM Go Forth and Multiply
GLPSB Gulp and Store Bytes
GPAER Generate Parity Error
HCF Halt and catch fire
HCP Hide Central Processor
HSO Halt and Sterilize Operator
IAD Illogical AND
IAE Ignore All Exceptions
IAI Inquire And Ignore
IBP Insert Bug and Proceed
IFKTR Initiate Fake-out Routine
IGSPC Ignore Supervisor Call
II Interrupt and ignore
IIB Ignore Inquiry and Branch
IISH Ignore Interrupt And Hang
IL Infinite loop
ILLAD Illogical AND
ILLOR Illogical OR
ILPS Invert Logical Power Supply
INVRB Invert Record and Branch
IOR Illogical OR
IPS Ignite Power Supply
IRB Invert record and branch
IRT Ignore write-protect tab
ISC Insert Sarcastic Comments
ISR Illogical Shift to the Right
ITLKC Interlock Core
JDO Jump and Destroy Operator
JMKYP Jam Keypunches
JTC Jump To Conclusions
JTZ Jump to Twilight Zone
KCE Kill Consultant on Error
LAP Laugh At Programmer
LCC Load and Clear Core
LED Load and Erase Data
LGOWY Load and Go Away
LHOS Load Hostile Operating System
LIA Load Ineffective Address
LMB Lose Message and Branch
LPA Lead Programmer Astray
LPCON Loop Continuous
LRI Lose Register Immediate
MAZ Multiply Answer by Zero
MBF Multiply and be Fruitful
MDB Multiply and Drop Bits
MDRBT Move and Drop Bits
MLR Move and Lose Record
MST Mount Scotch Tape
MTI Make Tape Invalid
MVAR Move to Random Address
MVCON Move Continuous
MVLR Move and Lose Record
MVWRC Move and Wrap Core
MW Malfunction Whenever
MWAG Make Wild-Assed Guess
MWC Move and warp core
MWT Malfunction Without Telling
NPN No program necessary
OCS Overwrite code segment
OHS Order Ham Sandwich
OOHH Only On Half-hours
OOS Override operating system
P$*! Punch Obsenity
PBC Print and Break Chain
PBS Pop Before Stacking
PCHD Punch Disk
PCHOP Punch Operator
PD Play Dead
PDKBN Punch Disk Binary
PDM Play Drum Memory
PDSK Punch Disk
PEHC Punch Extra Holes in Cards
PFD Punt on Fourth Down
PINV Punch Invalid
PLSC Perform Light Show on Console
PM Punch Memory
PNRP Print Nasty Replies to Programmer
PO Punch operator
POCL Punch Out Console Lights
POF Print On Fly
POPI Punch Operator Immediately
PPS Push or Pop Stack
PPSW Pack Program Status Word
PRANB Pick up Random Bits
PRSMR Print and Smear
PS!@* Print Obscenity
PSD Pause and smoke dope
PSI Print and Smear Ink
PVLC Punch Variable Length Card
RA Randomize Answer
RASC Read and Shred Card
RBAFG Read Binary And Forget
RBT Rewind and Break Tape
RCB Read Command Backwards
RCDRD Rewind Card Reader
RCDSCD Read Card and Scramble Data
RCR Rewind card reader
RCS Read card and scramble data
RCSD Read Card and Scramble Deck
RCTKG Read Count Key and Garbage
RD Reverse Direction
RDA Refuse to Disclose Answer
RDB Run Disk Backwards
RDBR Read Bad Record
RDCBX Read Chad Box
RDCHS Read Chaos
RDI Reverse Disk Immediate
RDIRG Read Inter Record Gap
RDS Read Sideways
REDTH Reduce Throughput
REIMT Reinitialize Meter
REPAB Reverse Parity And Branch
REWFR Rewind Forward
RID Read Invalid Data
RIM Read Instruction Manual
RIODNR Rotate Input/Output Device Numbers Randomly
RLI Rotate Left Indefinitely
RNR Read Noise Record
ROC Randomize Op Codes
ROLPR Rewind On-Line Printer
ROM Read operator's mind
ROO Rub Out Operator
RPBL Read Print and Blush
RPI Reverse Priority of Interrupts
RPLT Read from Plotter
RPM Read Programmer's Mind
RPTR Read from Printer
RRCR Rotate Right Cash Register
RRR Read Record and Run Away
RRR Rotate Right Randomly
RRT Record and Rip Tape
RSC Read and Shred Card
RSC Rewind System Clock
RSD Read and Scramble Data
RSD Read and Self Destruct
RSO Resume on stack overflow
RSTOM Read From Store-only Memory
RT Reduce throughput
RTS Return To Sender
RVDOD Reverse Drum Or Disk
RVDRI Reverse Drum Immediate
RWBKT Rewind and Break Tape
RWCR Rewind Card Reader
RWDSK Rewind Disk
RWM Rewind Memory
RWRT Read While Ripping Tape
RWTOD Rewind Tape Onto Disk
RWWRT Read and Write While Ripping Tape
SAI Skip All Instructions
SARTZ Subtract And Reset To Zero
SAS Sit And Spin
SC Scramble channels
SCCA Short Circuit on Correct Answer
SCCHS Scramble Channels
SCDTA Scatter Data
SCMRY Scatter Memory
SCPR Scatter Print Record
SCPSW Scatter Program Status Word
SD Scatter Deck
SDRB Search and Destroy Register Byte
SFH Set Flags to Half-mast
SFRA Skip Forms and Run Away
SFT Stall For Time
SHAB Shift a Bit
SHLBM Shift a Little Bit More
SHLPN Sharpen Light Pencil
SKRSD Seek Record and Scratch Disk
SLC Shift Left Continuous
SLD Slip Disk
SLP Sharpen Light Pen
SMR Skip on Meaningless Result
SNC Skip Next Command
SOS Sign off, Stupid
SOSAJ Select Output Stacker And Jam
SOT Sit on a Tack
SPOFF Switch processor off
SPON Switch processor on
SPRDK Shuffle Program Deck
SPS Set Panel Switches
SPSW Scramble Program Status Word
SPT Scramble Protected Tapes
SQPC Sit Quietly and Play With Your Crayons
SQSW Scramble Program Status Word
SRCC Select Reader and Chew Cards
SRDR Shift Right Double Ridiculous
SRSD Seek Record and Scratch Disk
SRZ Subtract and Reset to Zero
SSD Seek and Scratch Disk
SSJ Select Stacker and Jam
SST Stop and Stretch Tape
STA Store Anywhere
STB Stretch Tape Binary
STROM Store in Read-only Memory
STUP Stacker Upset
TAB Throw away byte
TADBT Transfer And Drop Bits
TAM Transfer Accumulator to Minneapolis
TARC Take Arithmetic Review Course
TCLSR Transfer Control and Lose Return
TCTDK Transfer Control To Disk
TCTOL Transfer Control To Overhead Lights
TCTPL Transfer Control To Pilot Lights
TCTWS Transfer Control To Wall Socket
TDB Transfer and Drop Bits
TLO Turn Indicator Lights Off
TMTDK Transfer Monitor To Disk
TN Take a Nap
TPDEC Triple Pack Decimal
TPDH Tell Programmer to Do it Him/Herself
TPF Turn Power Off
TPN Turn Power On
TPO Turn power off
TPR Tear Paper
TRAHG Transfer And Hang
TRDB Transfer And Drop Bits
TRSCH Trap Secretary and Halt
TSE Test and Swap if Equal
TSTT Test a Bit for Two
TTA Try, Try Again
TVT Test vacuum tubes
UCB Uncouple CPU and Branch
UCCS Use Chinese Character Set
UER Update and Erase Record
UINDA Use Inverse Digital Array
ULDA Unload Accumulator
UMH Use Mains Voltage as Logic High
UP Understand Program
UPC Uncouple Program Counter
UPCI Update Card In Place
UPERR Update and Erase Record
WB Wait for Bus
WBT Water Binary Tree
WCTKG Write Count Key and Garbage
WED Write and Erase Data
WEMG Write Eighteen Minute Gap
WF Wait Forever
WHFO Wait Until Hell Freezes Over
WI Write Illegibly
WID Write Invalid Data
WMTAE Write Memory, Transfer, And Erase
WNR Write Noise Record
WPM Write Programmer's Mind
WRC Write on Read-Cycle
WRS Write to ROM storage
WSWW Work in Strange and Wonderous Ways
WWLR Write Wrong-Length Record
XIO Execute Invalid Opcode
XIP Execute Invalid Program
XMAS Execute Main Areas of Storage
XNH Execute No-op and Hang
XPR Execute Programmer
XSP Execute Systems Programmer
XUI Execute Undefined Instruction
ZAR Zero Any Register

Ken Smith

To All,

Microprocessors have become so simple that it seems anyone can program
them nowadays. But think of what it was like when the first processors
came out and you had to program around noisy circuits and unreliable

For example, here is a list of assembler commands that emulate the
performance of the first computers. (They were found in old Deja View

[... big long CISC snipped ..]

These days RISC is the way to go.

CBJS Compliment bit and jump if set

Thats all you need.

John Larkin

To All,

Microprocessors have become so simple that it seems anyone can program
them nowadays. But think of what it was like when the first processors
came out and you had to program around noisy circuits and unreliable

For example, here is a list of assembler commands that emulate the
performance of the first computers. (They were found in old Deja View

Assembler Commands:


AAAH Add And Automatically Halt
AAC Alter All Commands
AAN Add Ad Nauseam
AAR Alter At Random
AARTZ Add And Reset To Zero
AB Add Backwards
ACM Automatically Clear Memory
ADG Add Garbage
AIB Attack Innocent Bystander
ARRN Add and Reset to Random Number
AWTT Assemble With Tinker Toys
BAC Branch to Alpha Centauri
BAF Blow All Fuses
BAFL Branch And Flush
BAH Branch And Hang
BB Branch on Bug
BBBF Branch on Bit Bucket Full
BBC Branch Before Compare
BBIL Branch on Blown Indicator Light
BBL Branch on Burnt Out Light
BBO Branch on Bathtub Overflow
BBT Branch on Binary Tree
BBW Branch Both Ways
BCF Branch on chip box full

Most of these are ancient S/360 instructions. But BCF is the opcode
for Branch and Catch Fire.



John Larkin said:
Most of these are ancient S/360 instructions. But BCF is the opcode
for Branch and Catch Fire.


No, that would be SOA.... Switch On All.


Mike Monett

John Larkin wrote:

Most of these are ancient S/360 instructions. But BCF is the opcode
for Branch and Catch Fire.


Yes, but there's not many people left who have seen a 360 or know what it

Thanks - your version of BCF is much better. I have duly updated my

Mike Monett

Tim Hubberstey

John said:
Most of these are ancient S/360 instructions. But BCF is the opcode
for Branch and Catch Fire.

I once worked at a company where old projects had used a processor
(don't remember which one) where one of the illegal opcodes would
actually cause the processor to go into a lockup mode where it would
overheat and char the PCB. The engineers referred to the illegal opcode
as the "Catch Fire and Die" instruction.

John Larkin

I once worked at a company where old projects had used a processor
(don't remember which one) where one of the illegal opcodes would
actually cause the processor to go into a lockup mode where it would
overheat and char the PCB. The engineers referred to the illegal opcode
as the "Catch Fire and Die" instruction.

I understand that you can program a Xilinx FPGA to fry itself, if
there's enough power supply available. Some of the Spartan 2 startup
power requirements practically guaranteed that enough power *would* be

Somebody once designed a chip coating material, for high-security
applications, that allowed a chip to literally explode itself.


Pooh Bear

Mike said:
To All,

Microprocessors have become so simple that it seems anyone can program
them nowadays. But think of what it was like when the first processors
came out and you had to program around noisy circuits and unreliable

Rumour has it that the 6800 had an undocumented instruction.

HCF - Halt and Catch Fire


ok - you got that one already

Pooh Bear

Genome said:
No, that would be SOA.... Switch On All.

If you're using an 87C51 family cpu with some leds using the port pins as open
drain drivers - that's a good sign of a problem with someone forgetting to
program the damn part !


John Larkin

Rumour has it that the 6800 had an undocumented instruction.

HCF - Halt and Catch Fire

It probably didn't work. The 6800 was an n-channel depletion-load
chip. You need CMOS to start a decent blaze.

I think it did have an opcode that would put it into a test mode that
only a reset would fix.



John Larkin wrote:

Most of these are ancient S/360 instructions. But BCF is the opcode
for Branch and Catch Fire.


Yes, but there's not many people left who have seen a 360 or know what it

Oh, really? Have you looked at your bank? Ok, so IBM changed the
name from s/360 to zSeries, but it's still making quite a good
Thanks - your version of BCF is much better. I have duly updated my

It was originally "Backspace and Catch Fire".

BTW, the 'I' in "EPI" is "immediate", to be consistent with the rest of
the ISA.


I understand that you can program a Xilinx FPGA to fry itself, if
there's enough power supply available. Some of the Spartan 2 startup
power requirements practically guaranteed that enough power *would* be

Sure. Think of an FPGA as a kabillion copies of a kabillion drivers
driving one wire. Drive a random mix of drivers into the routing array
and the power supply will melt. This is *exactly* why Xilinx doesn't
release their routing/configuration information. Their tools check for
ptoper outputs, so won't let you do something dumb (at least not *this*
Somebody once designed a chip coating material, for high-security
applications, that allowed a chip to literally explode itself.

Coating? Ecplode? I doubt it. I'm told the government uses thermite, but
it's hardly a "coating" and will hardly "explode". Having worked in
physical security on encryption hardware (commercial stuff only - no
security clearance here), I've heard much of what the spooks and nukes use.


It probably didn't work. The 6800 was an n-channel depletion-load
chip. You need CMOS to start a decent blaze.

Hmm, I thought Moto and Intel were all p-channel at that time.
I think it did have an opcode that would put it into a test mode that
only a reset would fix.

The original IBM PC monochrome adapter allowed software to halt the
horixontal sweep, causing the monitor to let its magic smoke out. Oops.

Spehro Pefhany

Hmm, I thought Moto and Intel were all p-channel at that time.

From a Motorola package with a date code 1975 ceramic M6800
shrink-wrapped to it:

"Both the MPU and the other Motorola system parts are TTL compatible,
MOS N-channel, silicon gate devices."

Dynamic, too. 8-(

IIRC, the TI TMS1000 from a few years earlier was p-channel metal

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

John Larkin

Hmm, I thought Moto and Intel were all p-channel at that time.

The 6800 was a 5-volt-only chip, all n-channel, dynamic logic I think;
the p-ch chips had a weird negative supply, -12 or something.

The only nasty part about the 6800 was that you had to externally
generate a 2-phase clock that had some (for the time) nasty swing,
edge rate, and non-overlap limits. The 6801/2/3 and later stuff was a
lot easier to clock.

I once wrote an RTOS for the 6800, which was tricky because the stack
operations were primitive. We included a reentrant floating-point
package and token ring LAN (invented independently!) and it worked
pretty well in process control apps.

I always liked the Moto instruction sets. The Intel stuff has always
seemed klugey and disorganized to me. So, we all wound up with the
worst instruction set and the worst OS the industry could invent.


Mike Monett

keith said:
Yes, but there's not many people left who have seen a 360 or know what it

Oh, really? Have you looked at your bank? Ok, so IBM changed the
name from s/360 to zSeries, but it's still making quite a good

The s/360 dates from 1964, and I doubt any of the original systems are
still running. You couldn't even afford the electricity they need

The basic s/360 design evolved through many different systems. Here's a
nice review along with pictures of the original hardware. Note the DRAM

The original 360 family was announced in 1964, and the lower midrange
model 40 was the first to ship a year later. The most interesting version
was model 67 (first shipped June 1966) which had hardware to support
virtual memory. IBM had planned a special operating system for it
(TSS/360), which they never managed to get to work well enough to be
usable. Within IBM, model 67 was used with a system known as CP-67, which
allowed a single 360/67 to simulate multiple machines of various models.
This turned out to be very useful for developing operating systems.

In the summer of 1970, IBM announced a family of machines with an
enhanced instruction set, called System/370. These machines were all
designed with virtual hardware similar to 360/67, and eventually all the
operating systems were enhanced to take advantage of it in some way.


Big, fast disk drives were one of the strengths of IBM. In 1973, the big
mainframe disk drive was model 3330-11: 400 MB for $111,600 or $279/MB.

By 1980, you could get the 3380: 2.5GB for $87,500 or $35/MB. DRAM prices
were dropping, too: In 1979 the price was cut from $75,000/MB to

Through the 1970's and 1980's, the machines got bigger and faster, and
multi-processor systems became common, but the basic architecture did not
change. Around 1982, addresses were extended from 24 bits to 31 bits
(370-XA), and in 1988 extensions were put in to support multiple address
spaces (370-ESA).

In 1990, the ES/9000 models came out with fiber-optical I/O channels
(ESCON), and IBM began using the name System/390.

John Larkin

From a Motorola package with a date code 1975 ceramic M6800
shrink-wrapped to it:

"Both the MPU and the other Motorola system parts are TTL compatible,
MOS N-channel, silicon gate devices."

Dynamic, too. 8-(

IIRC, the TI TMS1000 from a few years earlier was p-channel metal

Wasn't the 8008 a p-ch part? The early eproms (1702? types) certainly
were. The 2708 needed a negative supply, but I can't recall if it was
p-ch or just needed substrate bias.


Robert Baer

Mike said:
To All,

Microprocessors have become so simple that it seems anyone can program
them nowadays. But think of what it was like when the first processors
came out and you had to program around noisy circuits and unreliable

For example, here is a list of assembler commands that emulate the
performance of the first computers. (They were found in old Deja View
--------------- SNIPped for brevity --------------

I remember that the 6800 had an un-documented op-code that was called
HCF = Halt and Catch Fire by those that discovered it.

Robert Baer

Pooh said:
Mike Monett wrote:

Rumour has it that the 6800 had an undocumented instruction.

HCF - Halt and Catch Fire


ok - you got that one already

Ralph Barone

Pooh Bear said:
Rumour has it that the 6800 had an undocumented instruction.

HCF - Halt and Catch Fire


ok - you got that one already

Doesn't the PowerPC have an EIEIO op-code (Enforce Inorder Execution of