Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Project: Speech controlled power supply and signal generator

Hi fellow electronics people, i'm a student and am working on my thesis project which is what the title said. using speech control on a power supply AND a signal/function gen.
I have a basic idea on what to do which is to interface a speech recognition module(w/c is not part of my design) into a MCU that can control the P.S. and signals gen. thats my idea so far, i need help on the following things
1. what mcu to use?
2. a little idea on how i can make the mcu control the P.S and S.G.
3. what S.G. to use (op-amp based / DSP based)
4. any help regarding this because i really have no idea how to come up with my project i'm still working on the early stages of it which is reviewing related lit.

thanks in advance, any help would greatly be accepted
(i forgot to mention that the amplitude are limited only to a 5 values of volts and exact increments for both the PS and SG, the frequency for the SG is also limited to 3 values of frequency 500,1k and 2k)
When you asked what MCU, one of the spec's will be what interface configuration would it need from the Speech module....8 bit parallel binary?, 16 bit parallel binary?, serial?, SPI?, I2C?,...?
Then you would need to know what inputs a power supply and signal generator would need, to spec the MCU output requirements.
Too many variables at this point.

the module would output binary digits, which i will input to the mcu right?
dont know much about data configuration tho ive searched i think it would be
fetched now and then, used for many times
im confused, i'm using the speech module to react to cammands to control a power supply and a function gen. i dont know much and i dont know what mcu to use. argh
*completely clueless* sorry for being like this :eek:
Then, maybe you have selected a project that is beyond a combination of your current level of education and ability. You may have to work up to something like that through more basic electronic and MCU projects.

yea maybe, but this is a final requirement project. tho we are working with some basic project like mcu based railway system and pc based tank refiling system which we are doing at the same time with this speech rec project
Have you Google'd: HM2007 circuit
There are many pages about this circuit (kit). This could be directly interfaced to an MCU. You would then need to figure out how to come up with a power supply and function generator that can be controlled with the digital or D/A output of an MCU. Then spec the number and type of I/O's you need. This will narrow the options for an MCU. What MCU have you been using?

well, i figured out how to control the supply by using transistor switches for the ratio in the load to be read at the output, tho i still have no idea haw about the signal gen.

frankly, i never had to program with a mcu since the one we used before was in a robo kit. but one of my friends used fpga in the speech rec project.

he also said to ask wether its better and easier to use microprocessor like 8086 or just mcu's ?