Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Bell pull project

A friend has moved into an old Victorian house that has a bell ring system with a small crank handle in each room. The system would have worked originally with pullies and wires in the wall connected to a bell box in the kitchen. The wires and bell box have long since gone but I was wondering if we could recommission the system using some sort of setup with Wi-Fi switches behind the crank handles and actuators to ring bells. I would greatly appreciate any advice as to how I could do this or any ideas for alternative approaches. Many thanks
Plain old wireless door bells will do that - there are some systems 'out there' that have a different ring tone for each of the multiple bell pushes that you fit.
Plain old wireless door bells will do that - there are some systems 'out there' that have a different ring tone for each of the multiple bell pushes that you fit.

A good suggestion -- but possibly a bit too practical, cost effective, and functional, while not sufficiently nostalgic, difficult, and silly?
while not sufficiently nostalgic, difficult, and silly?

LOL - yes, my in-laws have such a system fitted and have gone to extraordinary lengths to keep the system working as they rennovated the property over the years. God alone knows how much they spent and the inconveniences they've suffered to keep it going! I'd have happily put in an electric doorbell system BUT maintained the 'look' and practical operation (i.e. bell pulls) just to rid them of the intricate cabling that had to be 'worked around'.