Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Programmable wireless keyboard chips

Does anyone know where to get them and how to program them? If you figure it out and I get rich ;) I will give you a chunk of change. :D Actually if you can seriously figure this out I will paypal you $20 just because it's going to take some serious research to find this stuff. If you find both normal wireless programmable chips and bluetooth wireless keyboard chips I will double it to $40. Thanks a million! [email protected]
I found some with one Google search. Unless it's a big secret tell us/me what you're trying to do and I'm sure we can provide more help. Sometimes what people need and what they think they need are totally different. Also there are often better or cheaper ways to accomplish the same task. If you don't want to discuss it publicly send me a PM.

I am building a keyboard for the computer... as in typing words keyboard. ... i need to program the chip myself, then i will order the pcb. Pretty simple. I am surprised you found something on google. I went through many many dead ends. I have never found one... as in one... i don't want to order 100,000 which is what most companies think you want... and of course with mad cash you can order up anything. I would like just one ;) for no more than $20. Find it i will give you $20 also, it's worth it to me... but make sure i can order just one.
Sorry but I'm still not sure what you need to program. They wireless chips, with the exception of the rf portion, operate in much the same manor as the wired chips. Not much to program that I know of, the pins connect in grid to scan for keypresses and pass that info along. I've certainly done my fair number of projects that were too expensive and complex just for the fun of doing it but if that's not the case here why not buy a full wireless keyboard pre-made for $20?
i am making my own layout

I have to pick which input create which characters so when i do my pcb it will all work. Buying a keyboard and and getting the chip out of it will not allow me to program it as far as i know... maybe I am wrong. Is there a way to program a chip i pull out of a wireless keyboard? I have already tried to reverse engineer the keyboard by rearranging the keys, which did work using wires... but i am looking to make my own pcb and it's nearly impossible to work off a chip that already has a layout programmed into it.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Ah, now I see.

A common solution is to write a new keyboard controller to change the mappng. The keyboard doesn't send characters to the computer, it just tells it which key ahas been pressed. The computer decides which letter (or whatever) that should be.
might work now

Honestly i forgot about that option, because when i last tried it i ran into problems with the enter key backspace...etc etc they are different kinds of signals and the programs i came across did not allow them to be moved. so i would have to accommodate with tweaks to the green board maybe. I guess i could try it again. Some people don't like the keyboard tweakers because it screws with the registry.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You're still thinking at way too high a level. In the operating system the keys are no different.

Google "change keyboard mapping" and see if there's something there which does what you want.